Adding a manual metadata
  • 29 Jan 2025
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Adding a manual metadata

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Article summary

1. Adding a metadata

How do I add metadata? Here are several examples of metadata types. This can help guide you when adding yourself. These are indicative and are complementary to the article "Create a custom schema". So these are metadata related to a folder of type "Employee folder".

In each page of Constellio, you have a "Guide" icon at the bottom of the screen. Click on it to go to the linked documentation page. So if you go to the metadata addition page and click on this link, you will go directly to the document page on adding metadata. Rely on it to guide your actions.

2. Example of adding manual metadata

  1. In the navigation menu, click on "Administration";
  2. Then go to "Metadata Schemas";
  3. On this page, consult the types of schemas of the files;
  4. At the end of the type of schema of your choice, click on "Metadata";
  5. To add metadata, click "Add".

2.1 Boolean manual metadata

A "Boolean" metadata allows you to support the choice between a "True" or "False" value.

  1. In the creation form, enter a code and a French label for your metadata;
  2. Subsequently, choose the "Manual" option for "data entry type";
  3. In the metadata "Type" choose the option "Boolean";
  4. Fill out the rest of the questionnaire and "Save";
  5. The metadata is now available in the "Employee File" creation form.
Greyed out metadata
It is not possible to select the "Multivalue" option when you create a metadata of type "Boolean".
In addition, you do not have to select an input type and input mask.
You cannot select an object type.
It is not possible to check the boxes "Searchable", "Sortable", "Autocompletion" and "Available in search and tables".

2.2 Manual "Text" metadata

A "Text" metadata supports an unlimited sequence of alphanumeric characters. For example, the "Description" metadata is a "Text" metadata.

  1. In the creation form, enter a code and a French label for your metadata;
  2. Subsequently, choose the "Manual" option for "Data entry type";
  3. In the "Type" metadata choose the "Text" option;
  4. You can now choose an "Entry Type", the choices are :
  5. Fill out the rest of the questionnaire and "Save";
  6. The metadata is now available in the "Employee File" creation form.
Entry typeDescriptionExample
Text boxAllows entering values with minimalist formatting.
Rich text boxAllows entering values with advanced text formatting options.
"Multivalue" metadata
The metadata "Multivalue" was not really worth more when checked in this type of metadata.
Greyed out metadata
You cannot select an object type.
It is not possible to check the "Sortable" box.

2.3 Manual metadata of type "Content" (Photo)

A metadata of type "Content" allows you to create metadata supporting the import of a file. For example, the "File" metadata of the document.

  1. In the creation form, enter a code and a French label for your metadata;
  2. Subsequently, choose the "Manual" option for "Data entry type";
  3. In the "Type" metadata, choose the "Content" option;
  4. You can now choose an "Entry Type", the choices are :
  5. Fill out the rest of the questionnaire and "Save";
  6. The metadata is now available in the "Employee File" creation form.
Entry TypeDescriptionExamples
ContentAllows you to create a field for importing a file.
Borrow/Return ContentAllows you to create a field for importing a file, as well as an interface to version it.
Grayed out metadata
You cannot enter an input mask or object type.
It is not possible to check the "Sortable" box.
It is not possible to set a default value.
Restrict access to roles
With "Content" metadata, it is not possible to restrict access to a role.

2.4 Manual "Date" metadata

A metadata of type "Date" allows you to create metadata supporting the manual entry of date or attend using a calendar. For example, the "Opening Date" is metadata for "Date".

  1. In the creation form, enter a code and a French label for your metadata;
  2. Subsequently, choose the "Manual" option for "Data entry type";
  3. In the "Type" metadata, choose the "Date" option;
  4. Fill out the rest of the questionnaire and "Save";
  5. The metadata is now available in the "Employee File" creation form.
Greyed out metadata
You do not have to select an input type and input mask.
You cannot select an object type.  

2.5 Manual metadata of the "Date & Time" type (end of use)

A "Date & Time" metadata can support the manual entry of a date and time or attend using a calendar.

  1. In the creation form, enter a code and a French label for your metadata;
  2. Subsequently, choose the "Manual" option for "Data entry type";
  3. In the "Type" metadata, choose the "Date & Time" option;
  4. Fill out the rest of the questionnaire and "Save";
  5. The metadata is now available in the "Employee File" creation form.
Grayed out metadata
You do not have to select an input type and input mask.
You cannot select an object type.  

2.6 Manual metadata of type "Reference"

A metadata of type "Reference" allows to feed to a list of vocabulary controlled in the domain of value.

First, create your list in the value areas:

  1. Go to "Administration" then "Value domains";
  2. In the "Custom" tab, "Add" a list;
  3. Give a title to your list and then "Save";
  4. Consult your new list;
  5. On the page, click "Add" and fill out the add record form;
  6. "Save". The record metadata card appears. You can return to the recording list and repeat for all your recordings.

Now that your value domain is created, now go back, create the metadata.

  1. In the creation form, enter a code and a French label for your metadata;
  2. Subsequently, choose the "Manual" option for the "Data entry type";
  3. In the "Type" metadata, choose the "Reference" option;
  4. You can now choose an "Entry Type", the choices are:
  5. In the "Object Type" metadata, choose your value domain list, create earlier;
  6. Fill out the rest of the questionnaire and "Register";
  7. The metadata is now available in the "Employee File" creation form.
Entry TypeDescriptionExamples
LookupAllows you to create a control that allows you to view controlled vocabulary values in a highlight window.
Drop-down menuAllows you to create a field that allows you to view controlled vocabulary values in a drop-down menu.
Radio buttonAllows you to create a field that allows you to view controlled vocabulary values as a button.
Check boxAllows you to create a field that allows you to view controlled vocabulary values as a check box.
Available only when the "Multivalue" metadata is checked.

The metadata visual changes when you choose "Multivalue". You cannot change the metadata and check "Multivalue". This should be checked as soon as the metadata is added.
Grayed out metadata
You cannot select an "Input Mask".
The "Searchable", "Autocomplete" and "Available in search and tables" boxes are not available.
Value domain metadata, virtual spaces
When creating metadata of type "References", it is not found under the "Custom metadata" tab, but under the "Value domain metadata, virtual spaces" tab.

2.7 Manual string metadata

A "String" metadata supports a limited sequence of characters. The "Title" metadata is a "String" metadata.

  1. In the creation form, enter a code and a French label for your metadata;
  2. Subsequently, choose the "Manual" option for the "Data entry type";
  3. In the "Type" metadata, choose the "Character string" option;
  4. You can now choose an "Entry Type", the choices are:
  5. You then have the option to add an input mask. By doing so, you control the entry of the value in the metadata.
  6. In this form, it is also possible to indicate that the metadata is "unique". So the value cannot be repeated.
  7. Fill out the rest of the questionnaire and "Register";
  8. The metadata is now available in the "Employee File" creation form.
Entry typeDescriptionExample
Basic fieldsAllows you to create a field where you can enter an alphanumeric value, without supporting cart returns.
URLAllows you to create a field where the value entered will refer to a URL.
Passwordthis field has no use for Constellio users, only for advanced development operations.
Grayed out metadata
You cannot select an object type.
Input mask
The input mask makes it possible to standardize the values entered in the metadata field by creating an input "pattern". This mask must be composed of "A" to limit alphanumeric characters, or "9" to limit numeric characters.
Maximum length
This metadata is only available when you select a metadata of type "String".

2.8 Manual metadata of type "Number"

A metadata of type "Number" allows to support only the entry of a numeric value.

  1. In the creation form, enter a code and a French label for your metadata;
  2. Subsequently, choose the "Manual" option for the "Data entry type";
  3. In the "Type" metadata, choose the "Number" option;
  4. The metadata 'Unit of Measurement' is now available.
  5. Fill out the rest of the questionnaire and "Register";
  6. The metadata is now available in the "Employee File" creation form.
If your number has a "pattern", it is better to choose a metadata of type "String of characters", since that of "Number" does not support an input mask.
Grayed out metadata
You do not have to select an input type and input mask.
You cannot select an object type.
It is not possible to check the "Searchable", "Autocompletion" and "Available in search and tables" boxes.

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