Advanced search
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Advanced search

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Article summary

The search bar is accessible in all Constellio screens. The search engine indexes the content of certain fields in the database, according to the choices made when creating the metadata, as well as part of the content of documents. This makes it possible to easily find all the elements constituting a document by a simple keyword. 

The advanced search allows you to refine a search by adding criteria and selecting an object type.

The advanced search is accessible via the arrow on the right of the simple search field.

It is possible to combine the advanced search and the simple search. Thus, it is possible to write a term in the simple search bar and assign advanced search criteria to it. 

2.1  Type 

Five types of records (schema types) are available to search: container, document, folders, location and tasks. 


It is possible to remove record types from the advanced search. Go to Control -> Metadata schemas -> View the record you want to remove from the advanced search -> Drop down menu -> Edit schema -> Uncheck "Add to advanced search". You will need to log out to implement the change.

2.2 Schema

It is also possible to select a specific schema for each type of schema, otherwise Constellio will search in all schemas. If the record is linked to a type, it will be easier to find with the search. To learn more about these custom schemas, see the article on metadata schemas. 

2.3 Search Criteria

The search criteria are the metadata available according to the selected schema type. The metadata displayed will differ from one type to another.

It is also possible to add a Boolean operator by selecting AND / OR / NOT between each criterion.

Field NameOperatorDescriptionImage
Show disabled metadata
By default, all disabled metadata are not included in the list of search criteria. Just press this button to display them in the drop-down menus.
Search criteria
The search criteria are mandatory to perform an advanced search.
Equal (=)The searched value will be present in the search criteria.
Smaller than (<)

The value searched is smaller than the date indicated.

Applies only to one date*.

Greater than (>)

The value you are looking for is greater than the date indicated.

Applies only to one date*.


The value you are looking for is between the two dates indicated.

Applies to two dates*.

EmptyThe search criteria will be empty.
Not emptyThe search criterion will be filled in.
Exact expression

When the option is checked, the expression written in the value should be exactly the same as the search result. This option is sensitive to accents, upper/lower case, etc.

This option is not mandatory.

2.4 Les opérateurs booléens

Boolean operatorsDescription
ANDThe phrase ["ski" and "alpine"] will identify documents containing both terms.
ORThe phrase ["ski" or "alpine"] will identify documents containing either of the two terms.
NOTThe phrase [ski "except" alpine] will identify documents containing the term ski without the term alpine.
ParenthesesParentheses play a role in organizing and combining search criteria. As in mathematical equations, the parenthesis is processed first. The white boxes at the beginning of the search criteria line and just before the join are used to enter the parentheses.

Example of the combined use of the junction and parentheses

The figure below illustrates how to locate all records containing the word ski in the title as well as at least one of these other three terms in the title: "alpine", "cross-country" and "nautical".

2.5 Empty the advanced search

It is possible to empty the advanced search. 

It is important to clear the advanced search criteria before starting a new one.

3. Saved searches

This option allows you to save the search criteria and not the search results. If new items are added in Constellio and they meet the search criteria, the search result will be different from the result obtained when the search was saved.

3.1 Saving a search

  1. Perform a search;
  2. In the search results: click on "Save this search";
  3. In the "Save this search" window, indicate a title for this search. 
  4. Check "Share this search" if this search should be shared with all users, or certain groups and users.
Field NameDescription
TitleAllows you to name the saved search.
Overwrite the current saved searchAllows you to modify a saved search.
Save as a new searchSaves the search as a new record.
Overwrite another saved searchAllows you to modify a saved search by overwriting the old criteria.
Not sharedThe search is only available in your saved searches.
Shared with all usersThe search is available to all users of the collection. However, security is still respected.
Share with some groups and usersThe search is available to selected groups and users. However, security is still respected.

3.2 Consulting a saved search

  1. Go to the advanced search screen;
  2. Click on "Saved searches";
  3. Click on the magnifying glass of a saved search to return to the results of that search.
In this window, it is possible to see the searches saved by the user, but also those that other users have shared with him under "Shared search(s)".

3.3 Modifying a saved search

  1. Go to the advanced search screen;
  2. Click on "Saved Searches";

  3. Click on the notebook of a saved search;
  4. This window appears. Change the desired metadata and "Save";
  5. The search has been modified.

Sharing options
It is only possible to modify the sharing options and the title through the notebook.

3.4 Overwriting the current search

  1. Go to the advanced search screen;
  2. Click on "Saved Searches";
  3. Click on the magnifying glass of a saved search to return to the results of that search.
  4. Change items in the search, then click on "Save this search";
  5. In the window, click on "Overwrite current search", then "Save";
  6. The saved search will be modified.

3.5 Overwriting another search

  1. Perform a search;
  2. Click on "Save this search";
  3. In the "Save this search" window, click on "Overwrite another search";
  4. This window appears, select the search you want to overwrite with this one. "Save";
  5. The new search replaces the old one linked to the selected title.

3.6 Deleting a saved search

  1. Go to the advanced search screen;
  2. Click on "Saved Searches";
  3. Click on the "X" at the end of the saved search you wish to delete;
  4. Confirm the deletion. The saved search is no longer available.

3.7 Exporting a saved search

Exporting a saved search allows you to transfer the items in a search from one collection or environment to another. The generated file can be imported into the "Import Records" page of the Pilot. Once the file is imported, the saved search will be recreated in the new environment.

  1. Go to the advanced search screen;
  2. Click on "Saved Searches";
  3. Click on the option to export a saved search;
  4. This will download a zip file to your workstation;
  5. Change the collection or environment, then go to "Administration";
  6. Click on "Import records";
  7. Import the XML file into this page. The saved search is now available in the collection/environment.

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