  • 29 Jan 2025
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Article summary

The Metadata

The metadata screen has three important elements to know:


1Navigation tabCustom metadata: Metadata created by a user
Presentation of the metadata management screen


Value Domain Metadata, Virtual Space: Value domain and Virtual Space Metadata
System metadata: Metadata generated automatically when a collection is created, according to the installed modules
Metadata disabled: Metadata disabled for a particular metadata scheme
2"Add" buttonAllows the creation of a new metadata
3List of metadata

Allows you to view the list of metadata in a tab, modify or delete it


 1. Creation of a new metadata

As a general rule, good practice suggests that metadata should be created in the default schema and then populated in specific schemas. This prevents unnecessary duplication of metadata fields. 

There are three types of data entries when creating metadata; manual metadata, copied metadata, and calculated metadata. Creation methods will vary depending on the type chosen.

1.1 Manual metadatas

In order to create a new metadata, we will have to follow the following steps:

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Click on "Metadata schema";
  3. Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the schema type name;
  4. Click on "Metadata" to the right of the metadata schema name;
  5. In the metadata window of a metadata schema, click on "Add".

After clicking on the "Add" button, a form will appear on the screen.

Form to enter a new metadata


List of fields present in the form
CodeAllows you to set a unique value to a metadata.
French labelAllows you to name a metadata for the French interface.
English labelAllows you to name a metadata for the English interface.
Type of data entryAllows you to choose whether the metadata is entered manually, copied from another reference metadata (For example, a document copies the description of its folder) or calculated.
TypeAllows you to define the format of the new metadata.
MultivalueAllows multiple values to be associated with the metadata.
Entry typeAllows you to define a format type for the metadata, if applicable.
Input maskAllows you to standardize the values entered in the metadata field by creating an input pattern. This mask must be composed of "A" to limit alphanumeric characters, or "9" to limit numeric characters. (Ex. 999-999-9999).
Maximum lengthAllows you to define a maximum length of characters for the metadata.
Display tabAllows you to choose in which display tab the metadata will appear.
Type of objectAllows "Reference" type metadata to link a metadata to a value domain. 
ObligatoryAllows you to make it mandatory to enter the metadata in the input form.
DuplicableAllows to duplicate a value inside a field when duplicating a record.
ActivatedAllows you to enable and disable a metadata in a particular schema.
SearchableAllows the search engine to index the entered values associated with the metadata field.
SortableAllows the metadata to be considered in the "Sort by" window in the search results page.
Advanced searchAllows you to display the metadata in the choices available in an advanced search equation.
HighlightingAllows the search term to be bolded in the search results page.
AutocompletionAllows the software to suggest values already entered when populating the metadata field.
Works with Text, Content, Date, Date and Time, String metadata.
Available in search and tablesAllows to add the default metadata in the gear of the advanced search table view, in addition to adding it even if the global configuration "Allow dynamic display of metadata fields in table columns" is enabled in Steering -> Configuration -> Search.


It is mandatory to "Restart and rebuild the cache" after activating this item via Control -> Update Center.

UniqueAllows you to prohibit the entry of a value that has already been entered in the metadata field, for a particular schema.
Contextual helpAllows you to add an information bubble to the metadata in the creation form.
Default valueAllows you to enter a default value when creating a record.
Display typeAllows you to orient the "Radio button" and "Boolean" metadata on a horizontal or vertical axis.
Value sortingAllows you to choose whether multi-value reference metadata appears in order of entry or in alphabetical order.

Only the code and the metadata type cannot be modified after the metadata has been created.

Types of metadata
BooleanAllows you to create a metadata that supports the choice of a "True" or "False" value.
TextAllows you to create a metadata that supports an unlimited sequence of alphanumeric characters.
ContentAllows you to create a metadata supporting the import of a file.
DateAllows you to create a metadata that supports the manual entry of date or assist with a calendar.
Date & TimeAllows you to create a metadata that supports the manual entry of a date and time or assist with a calendar.
ReferenceAllows you to create a metadata that feeds into a list of controlled vocabulary in the value domain.
String of charactersAllows you to create a metadata that supports a sequence of character limits.
NumberAllows you to create a metadata that only supports the entry of a numeric value.

Type of entry according to the type of metadata
TextText zoneAllows the entry of values with a minimalist formatting. 
Rich text zoneAllows you to enter values with advanced text formatting options.
ContentContentAllows you to create a field to import a file.
Content Borrowing/ReturningAllows you to create a field for importing a file, as well as an interface for versioning it.
ReferenceLookupAllows you to create a field with the ability to view controlled vocabulary values in a highlighted window.
Drop down menuAllows you to create a field with the ability to view controlled vocabulary values in a drop-down menu.
Radio buttonAllows you to create a field with the ability to view controlled vocabulary values as a button.
String of charactersBasic fieldAllows you to create a field where it is possible to enter an alphanumeric value, without supporting carriage returns.
URLAllows you to create a field where the value entered will refer to a URL.
PasswordThis field is not useful for Constellio users, only for advanced development operators.

1.2 Copied metadata

Copied metadata is metadata whose values come from another entity (Ex.: The code of a folder container). The goal is to pass information from one record to another, such as with the folder and the document or from the parent folder to the child folder, in order to avoid manually filling in the same information. The copied metadata is automatically populated by taking their values from a configured source.

In the metadata creation tab, the user will have the possibility to create copied metadata by selecting the reference metadata (e.g.: “Container”) and the copied metadata (e.g.: “Container code”). It is also possible to delete copied user-created metadata and modify certain attributes such as their title. For more details on this type of metadata, see the Copied Metadata documentation.

1.3 Calculated metadata

Calculated metadata allows you to calculate a value automatically from other metadata. When any of the referenced metadata is modified, the calculated metadata is automatically calculated again. For more details on this type of metadata, see the Calculated Metadata documentation.

2. Secure metadata management

Secure metadata management makes it possible to control the display of metadata according to user types. In this way, the functionality allows the addition of security by role for each metadata. For example, the document management manager could view specific metadata that would not be displayed to the user, such as the retention period.

By default, no security is applied to metadata management. The functionality therefore consists of hiding the metadata and preventing it from being used in simple or advanced search for the users concerned. This is essentially an access control on reading the metadata. For more information on secure metadata, see the Managing Secure Metadata page.

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