Metadata schemas
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Metadata schemas

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Article summary

1. Metadata schemas

The "Metadata Schemas" feature makes it possible to manage all the metadata used to describe and situate a type of record over time. To better understand the concept, let's see how the different levels related to metadata schemas are logically dissected: 

Level 1: Types of schemas

Schema types represent a particular record category, to which a set of metadata is attached. For example, a folder is considered a type of metadata schema, just like a document, task, classification plan, or any other source of information that requires metadata to describe it. Metadata that is associated with a schema type is exclusive to the schema type, except for system metadata (e.g., "Title" metadata can be present in both the schema of a folder and the schema of a document). 

Level 2: Metadata schemas

In Constellio, there are two categories of schemas: default schemas and specific schemas. 

The term "Default Schema" refers to the set of metadata related to a record category. The default schema itself is not used for a particular need and can only be used to create a generic folder type. 

The term "Specific Schemes" is used to define a type of record in a given scheme. For example, if you want to create a record type document in a given schema. For example, if you want to create a document of the type "Minutes", it will be necessary to create a specific diagram called "Minutes". 

Level 3: Metadata

Metadata represents all the information associated with a record category (e.g., date of creation, author, title, contract number, employee number). 

2. Types of schemas

The interface representing metadata schema types consists of four distinct elements: 

1Navigation tabsLogically separate schema types into four distinct broad categories. 
2List of metadata schema typesA list of schema types in a given category.
3The "Magnifier" iconsAllows you to view the schemas associated with a schema type. 
4The "Group" iconsAllows you to manage metadata groups. 
5Generate excel file with schema type configurationAllows you to generate an excel file with schema type configuration.
6Manage action menuAllows you to manage the action menu.


2.1 Navigation tab

In Constellio, metadata schema types are separated by four tabs, representing four broad categories: 

Integrated Document Management

The types of schemas related to this family are related to document management: 

  • Archival entities (records, documents, containers)
  • Document management tools or taxonomic structures (classification plan, administrative unit, retention schedule, uniform subdivision)
  • Tasks

Virtual spaces

The only diagram currently linked to this family is the "Location" diagram, used to designate the virtual representation of an archive repository or thematic portals.

Areas of value

Schema types related to this family relate to values that can be associated with metadata schemas or metadata. 


The types of diagrams related to this family are related to Constellio operating mechanics. These diagrams are not particularly useful from an archival point of view and are usually reserved for advanced programming features. 

2.2 List of metadata schema types

The central part of the interface lists all metadata schemas associated with features or actions that can generate content in Constellio.

2.3 Consulting Metadata Schemas

In order to view the different metadata schemas associated with a schema type, you must follow these steps: 

  1. In the navigation menu, click on the "Administration" icon;
  2. Then click on the "Metadata Schemas" icon;
  3. Locate the row in the table mentioning the type of diagram you want to consult and click on the magnifier icon to the right of the interface.

In this screen, it will be possible to manage the different metadata schemas.

2.4 Managing Metadata Groups

Metadata groups are a concept that refers to a display parameter in Constellio for creating tabs in an input form for a particular type of metadata schema. For example, we could create three tabs in a folder entry form: a tab for required metadata, a tab for optional metadata, and a tab for metadata related to the description of a documentary series for historical archives. 

 In order to create a new metadata group, you will need 

  1.  Identify the type of metadata schema to which you want to add a tab in the input form;
  2. Click on the icon representing the "Metadata Groups";
  3. In the context menu, click on the "Add" option;
  4. Enter a metadata code;
  5. Enter a label for the metadata group (label displayed in the input form);
  6. Save changes.

After creating a metadata group, you will have to manually associate each metadata with the tab using the section provided for this purpose in the metadata entry form. 

When a metadata group is deleted, the metadata associated with that group will be automatically transferred to a default group. Problems can occur if the only metadata group present in the metadata group management screen is removed. 

3. Managing metadata schemas

When we are in the consultation page of the "Container" diagram, it is possible to see five distinct elements: 

1Navigation tabsAllows you to view enabled and disabled schemas
2The list of metadata schemasAllows you to view the list of schemas (default and specific)
3The "Metadata" buttonAllows you to manage metadata (creation, behaviour configuration) for a particular schema.
4The "Hamburger" menuAllows you to manage the metadata schema
5The "Add" iconAllows you to create a new metadata schema

At first, it is possible to see that the list of diagrams has only one entry named "Container". Based on the schema code, it is simple to deduce that the schema is the default schema. Knowing that this scheme is generic and that there is more than one type of container, it would be beneficial to be able to define a particular type of container in order to meet our needs. To do this, you only must click on the "Add" button at the top right corner of the interface. 

 3.1 Creating a specific schema

In the form of entering a specific schema, you will find the following fields: 

The metadata code is a single element that cannot be changed after a schema is created. The prefix "USR" should be retained, as the element tells Constellio that the schema was created by a user.
French wording
The label represents the name of the metadata schema. This element can be modified at any time to adapt to the terminology used internally.
English wording
The English label is mandatory only if you have a bilingual collection; otherwise this field will not be displayed. 
Add to Advanced Search
Allows Constellio to consider the schema in the advanced search (applicable only on the default schema).
Add in simple search
Allows Constellio to consider the schema in the simple search (applicable only on the default schema).
When the custom schema is created, it will appear in the list of schemas. 


3.2 "Hamburger" menu

The Hamburger menu is a drop-down menu to configure several options related to the user and the display of metadata schemas: 

1Edit the schemaAllows you to change the label or display conditions in the simple and advanced search.
2Deactivate the schemaAllows you to disable/enable a metadata schema. When a schema is disabled, it is impossible to choose it when creating a record. It will also not be displayed in the drop-down menu of the "Type" metadata.
3Delete the schemaAllows you to delete a metadata schema that is not in use.
4Form configuration Allows you to configure the order in which metadata is displayed in the form of entering a record. 
5Display configurationAllows you to configure the order in which metadata is displayed in the metadata card of a record.
6List view configurationAllows you to add or remove metadata from results pages in list views.
7Table view configurationAllows you to add or remove metadata in results pages in table views.
Option section applicable only to folders
8Configure unique keyAllows you to impose conditions that prevent the repetition of a value entered in a particular metadata field. 

3.3 Configuring forms, view, search results, and lists and tables

The method for managing the different modes of display of metadata is the same for points 4, 5, 6 and 7, mentioned earlier in the table. In order to easily manage the different modes of metadata display, it is enough to understand the following elements:

Metadata view management screen

  1. The left column represents active metadata that is not displayed.
  2. The right column represents the active metadata that is considered by the display mode.
  3. Arrows pointing left and right to remove or add metadata in the view mode.
  4. The up and down arrows to manage the metadata positions in the display mode. 

When you're done setting up a display mode, all you have to do is save the changes. 

3.4 Configure unique keys

Uniqueness keys are used to target one or more metadata fields in a schema and make them unique. In fact, the selected metadata is interconnected by a system of conditional clauses for a set of selected metadata. For example, if the "Title" and "Volume" metadata are added to the table, it will be impossible to import a set of folders with the same Title or Volume number. On the other hand, if the values in the Title field are not unique, but the values in the "Volume" field are, it will be possible to import the records. 

  1. Go to «Administration»;
  2. Then in «Metadata schemas»;
  3. Consult the type of schema you want;
  4. In the drop-down menu, select «Configure unique keys»;
  5. In the window, select the desired metadata, then click on «Add»;
  6. Do the same for the other metadata;
  7. Your uniqueness key is configured.
Unique key VS unique value
If you want some metadata with similar titles to be unique, it is better to opt for the uniqueness key. If it is only one metadata that you want to make unique, it is better to opt for the unique value on the metadata. To learn more about the unique value, see the article on Metadata.




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