Custom Structures (Virtual Space)
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Custom Structures (Virtual Space)

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Article summary

Virtual Spaces

In Constellio, the concept of virtual spaces refers to the taxonomic representation of hierarchical structures in the home screen. In all collections created with the integrated document management module, the home screen displays by default two hierarchical structures: the classification plan and the administrative units. However, it is possible to manage other types of virtual spaces: Thematic portals. 

Thematic portals aim to logically group files or documents of the same nature, without regard to the classification structure imposed by the classification plan. In other words, a theme portal allows the user to have quick access to a set of predefined records from the home screen.

1. Creation of a thematic portal

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Virtual Spaces";
  3. Click on "Add";
  4. Fill in metadata and "Save".
TitleAllows you to name the thematic portal
AbbreviationAllows you to link an abbreviation to the thematic portal
UsersAllows users to view the thematic portal
GroupsAllows groups to consult the thematic portal
Visible in the home pageAllows the software to display the tab in the virtual space
Objects to be classifiedAllows you to define what type of record can be added to the thematic portal (folder/document)
Permission assignments
If no user or group is selected, all users in the collection will see the topic portal. Obviously, security management still applies. So if a document is stored in the thematic portal, but user X does not have access to it, user X will not see it. 
Visible in the Home Page
If no records are linked to the thematic portal, it will not be visible on the home page. The virtual space of the homepage is a real representation of your environment. 

2. Edit a thematic portal

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Virtual Spaces";
  3. Click on the notebook icon in the right column on the row of the portal you want to edit.

3. Consult a thematic portal

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Virtual Spaces";
  3. Thematic portals are the virtual spaces that appear. 

4. Delete a thematic portal

In order to delete a thematic portal, the following steps will need to be performed: 

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Virtual Spaces";
  3. Click on the "X" on the line of the thematic portal you wish to delete.
To be able to delete a thematic portal, it must not have any records linked to it. To successfully delete it, you will need to perform batch processing so that no records are linked to the thematic portal.

5. Add a folder to a thematic portal

To be able to add a folder to a topic portal, you can either create a new folder or edit an existing folder. 

  1. In Constellio, click in the menu at the top right on "Add Folder";
  2. In the tab of the form, click on the thematic portal of your choice;
  3. Choose where you want to file your file and "Select";
  4. "Save".

*The procedure is the same for a document.*

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