Automated Office 365 governance
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Automated Office 365 governance

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Article summary

Automated Content Governance 

This feature is dependent on the workflow module. To access it, the Workflow and Espace 365 modules must be installed on the server.

The feature allows you to set up a predefined hierarchy of records with the metadata associated with each item. Preparing structure templates ensures that records will be automatically attached to the classification plan when they are created. With this connection invisible to users, lifecycle management becomes automatically managed by the software. When creating a template, it is possible to add one or more child nodes or import an existing template for reference purposes (for example, use an existing channel template inside a team template). 

It is possible to create Constellio folder templates or Office365 structures. 

1. Backrest templates

1.1 Creation

1.1.1 New template

  1. Click Add Folder Template;
  2. Enter the name of the template;
  3. Configure the desired tree. To do this, click on the "+" button that appears when you hover over the text with the mouse;
  4. Once satisfied with the structure, click on Save.

1.1.2 Copying a folder structure

The "Copy Folder Structure" button allows you to duplicate an existing folder structure by choosing between two types of records to import:

  • Folder : This option allows you to copy the entire structure of a specific folder, including all of its subfolders and documents.
  • Folder Template : This option allows you to copy the structure of a folder template, including the hierarchy and the predefined elements associated with it, to create a new template based on it.


1.32 Actions on templates 

1.2.1 Modification of a template 

On the template editing page, when you click the edit icon. 

It is possible to change the structure of folders and documents in the form of a tree. You can also import a template or even import the structure of an existing folder. In addition, it is possible to link a template to specific elements or create shortcuts for faster and more efficient access.

1.2.2 Deleting a template

If you want to delete a folder template, click the delete icon. 

A confirmation message will appear asking you to confirm your choice.  

1.3 Creating a Folder and Its Structure

After a template is created, users can use it when creating a new folder. Similar to current document types, users will be able to select a structure template after choosing a folder type.

During this operation, the associated metadata will be automatically adjusted in the form, and the structure linked to the template will be created automatically when the file is saved.

The template selection field will be available only when creating a folder. It will not be possible to enter or change this value once the folder is created.

2. Office 365 Structure Templates

The available templates are as follows: 

2.1 Types of Possible Structures

2.1.1 SharePoint

  • Site

Represents a SharePoint site or subsite. 

For SharePoint sites, the following properties can be changed: 

  • Title 
  • Description
  • Binding in Constellio

The following can be added within a site: 

  • Subsite
  • Library
For now, since it is not possible to create SharePoint sites using Microsoft's Graph API, the site, subsite, and library structure must be pre-existing before you can use the template. The template is then used to link these elements to the classification plan as well as to create the folder/document structure within these elements.
  • Library

Represents a library inside a SharePoint site.

For SharePoint libraries, the following properties can be changed: 

  • Title
  • Description
  • Binding in Constellio

The following can be added to a library: 

  • Folder
  • Document
For now, since it is not possible to create SharePoint libraries through Microsoft's Graph API, the library must be pre-existing before you can use the template. The template is then used to link the library to the classification plan as well as to create the folder/document structure within it.

2.1.2 Teams

  • Team 

Represents a public or private team in Microsoft Teams.

For Teams teams, the following properties can be changed: 

  • Title
  • Description
  • Owners (For private teams)
  • Members (For private teams)
  • Binding in Constellio

The following can be added within a team: 

  • Channel
When a team template is used, the user who creates the template is automatically added as the owner. 
  • Channel

Represents a public or private channel of a Microsoft Teams team.

For Teams channels, the following properties can be changed: 

  • Title
  • Description
  • Security (Private or Public Channel)
  • Binding in Constellio

The following can be added inside a channel: 

  • Folder
  • Document

2.1.3 One Drive

  • Library

Represents the root structure of One Drive.

For SharePoint libraries, the following properties can be changed: 

  • Title 
  • Description
  • Binding in Constellio

The following can be added to a library: 

  • Folder
  • Document
Since it is not possible to create One Drive libraries, the template must be linked to a user. The template is then used to link the user's library to the classification plan as well as to create the folder/document structure within it. 

2.1.4 Exchange

  • Email Box

Represents a user's email inbox.

For Exchange mailboxes, the following properties can be changed: 

  • Title (of the template)
  • Binding in Constellio

The following can be added inside an email inbox: 

  • Folder
Since it is not possible to create email boxes, the template must be linked to a user. The template is then used to link the user's mailbox to the classification plan and to create the folder structure within it.

2.2 Common Structures

Common structures are the structures that are reused within Office 365 templates. 

If it is not possible to create a root template for these elements, they can be used and configured to provide a uniform structure for users. 

2.2.1 Folder / Email Folder

For folders, the following properties can be changed: 

  • Title
  • Binding in Constellio

The following can be added to a folder: 

  • Subfolder
  • Document (Only SharePoint, Teams, and One Drive)

2.2.2 Document

For documents, the following properties can be changed: 

  • Title
  • Content
  • Binding in Constellio
Document templates are only available for SharePoint, Teams, and One Drive. It is not currently possible to add an email template in Exchange. 

2.3 Workflow Integrations

2.3.1 Create content in Office 365

During workflow setup, a new Create Content in Office 365 action is available in tasks. When workflows with any of these tasks require the template to be configured before they can be started. It is still possible to modify this template at any time during the execution of the workflow by consulting one of the tasks. When the task is completed, a batch job is started and starts duplicating the template in Office 365. 365 Content Creation Form


2.3.2 O365 Content Downgrade

During workflow configuration, a new O365 Content Downgrade action is available in tasks. Workflows with one of these tasks require you to select which items to degrade, how to lay out, and select who is responsible for the decommissioning before they can be started. You can still change these settings at any time during the workflow execution by consulting one of the tasks. When the job is complete, a batch job is started and initiates the creation of a closing downlist. 

O365 Content Downgrade Form

Decommissioning Manager

The approval mechanics of Office 365 downlisting lists vary from the original Constellio mechanic. When a downgrade manager is selected, the downgrade manager becomes the manager of the downgrade list created by the workflow. It is also possible for the user to manage the items in the list and to start processing the list.

The downgrade list manager does not need the roles that are normally required to manage downgrade lists. These workflows must therefore be set up diligently.

Method of Disposition

When creating the workflow, it is possible to choose between a copy or an archive of the information. Depending on the selection, a new button will be added to the downlist to allow the manager to remove the content from its original location. 

No matter how you choose the layout mode, the content is never deleted automatically. It is still recommended that you validate the generated downgrade report before deleting the content.

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