Calculation of disposal dates
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Calculation of disposal dates

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Article summary

1. End of Year Calculation

1.1 Configurations

DispositionEnd of year dateAllows you to define the last day of a calculation year.
Add a year if the calculation of the date is the end of the year. Add or not an additional year if the planned decommissioning date (transfer, payment, sorting or destruction) falls exactly on the end of year date.
Close Date required before the end of year Determines the number of days before the end of the year from which a file will be released in the declassification of the following year.

For more details on the configurations, you can refer to the System configuration page.

1.2 Examples

1.2.1 Scenario 1 (Exact year end date with one more year)

End of year date07/01
Add a year if the calculation of the date is the end of the year.
Closing date2019-07-01
Retention rule1-1-C
Expected transfer date2021-07-01
If we apply the 1-1-C rule to the closing date 2019-07-01, we obtain an expected transfer date of 2020-07-01. But, since this falls exactly on the end of year date, and the Add a year configuration if the date is the end of the year is checked, we add an additional year. This is why the planned transfer date is 2021-07-01.

1.2.2 Scenario 2 (Exact year-end date with no extra years)

End of year date
Add a year if the calculation of the date is the end of the year.
Closing date
Retention rule
Expected transfer date 
If we apply the 1-1-C rule to the closing date 2019-07-01, we obtain an expected transfer date of 2020-07-01. Since the Add a year configuration if the date is the end of the year configuration is unchecked, we do not add an additional year. The planned transfer date is therefore 2020-07-01.

1.2.3 Scenario 3 (Before the end of year date)

End of year date
Close Date required before the end of year 90
Closing date2019-06-30
Retention rule1-1-C
Expected transfer date
If we apply the 1-1-C rule to the closing date 2019-06-30, we obtain an expected transfer date of 2020-07-01. On the other hand, since the gap between June 30 and July 1 is smaller than the 90 days configured in the Close Date required before the end of year, an additional year is added.
End of year date
Close Date required before the end of year
Closing date
Retention rule
Expected transfer date
If we apply the 1-1-C rule to the closing date 2019-01-01, we obtain an expected transfer date of 2020-07-01. Since the gap between January 1 and July 1 is greater than the 90 days configured in the Close Date required before the end of year, we do not add an additional year.

2. Close Date Calculation

2.1 Configurations

DispositionCalculated close dateEnables or disables automatic calculation of closing dates. If a closure date is not calculated, it must be entered manually or via the declassification module. This configuration must be activated for the next two configurations to be taken into account.
Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule)

Adds the number of years entered to the opening date to calculate the closing date for closed time files. If the value -1 is entered, the closing date will be calculated with the active period of the delay associated with the file. If the value 0 is entered, the closing date will correspond to the opening date. If another value is entered, the number of years will be added to the opening date to obtain the closing date.

*Closed deadlines correspond to deadlines with a fixed active period: 1-0-C, 1-1-C, 2-3-D, etc. Files with an open semi-active period will also be associated with this configuration if the active period is fixed.

Number of calculated close dates (variable rule)

Adds the number of years entered to the opening date to calculate the closing date for open deadline files. If the value -1 is entered, no closing date will be calculated for open deadline files. If the value 0 is entered, the closing date will correspond to the opening date. If another value is entered, the number of years will be added to the opening date to obtain the closing date.

*Open deadlines correspond to deadlines whose active period is open: 888-0-C, 777-1-C, 999-3-D, etc. Files with a fixed semi-active period will also be associated with this configuration if the active period is open.

For more details on the configurations, you can refer to the System configuration page.

2.2 Examples

2.2.1 Scenario 1 (Calculation disabled)

Calculated close date
Opening date2019-07-01
Closing dateNull
Since the Calculated close date configuration is unchecked, the closing date is not calculated automatically. You must enter it manually or go through the declassification module.

2.2.2 Scenario 2 (Fixed period)

Calculated close date
Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule)
Opening date2019-07-01
Retention rule
Closing date
Since the Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule ) is configured to -1, the calculation of the closing date is done by adding the active period of the deadline (2) to the opening date.

2.2.3 Scenario 3 (Fixed period)

Calculated close date
Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule)
Opening date
Retention rule
Closing date
Since the Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule) is set to 0, the Close Date corresponds to the date the case was opened.

2.2.4 Scenario 4 (Fixed period)

Calculated close date
Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule)
Opening date
Retention rule
Closing date
Since the Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule ) is configured to 1, the closing date is done by adding the value of the configuration (1) to the opening date.

2.2.5 Scenario 5 (Open period)

Calculated close date
Number of calculated close dates (variable rule)
Opening date2019-07-01
Retention rule888-3-C
Closing dateNull
Because the Number of calculated close dates (variable rule) is set to -1, the File Closure Date is not calculated.

2.2.6 Scenario 6 (Open period)

Calculated close date
Number of calculated close dates (variable rule)
Opening date2019-07-01
Retention rule888-3-C
Closing date2019-07-01
Since the Number of calculated close dates (variable rule) is set to 0, the Closing Date is the file opening date.

2.2.7 Scenario 7 (Open period)

Calculated close date
Number of calculated close dates (variable rule)
Opening date2019-07-01
Retention rule888-3-C
Closing date2020-07-01
Since the Number of calculated close dates (variable rule) is set to 1, the Close Date is done by adding the value of configurations (1) to the Opening Date.

3. Calculation of transfer, deposit, sorting and destruction dates

3.1 Configurations

DispositionDisposition dateDetermines from which metadata the calculation of expected dates is performed. This is the default metadata, as it is possible to specify a different metadata for each of the time limits when creating a retention rule.
Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges
Determines whether the calculation is based on the first part of a date range or on the second part (for example, 2019-2020). This configuration is only taken into account if metadata is specified for the delay associated with the folder.
Use actual transfer date to calculate deposit/destruction dates of semi-active folders Determines whether the calculation of payment and destruction dates is based on the actual date or the expected transfer date.
Number of calculated semi active dates (open rule)
Systematically adds the number of years entered when calculating the expected transfer date. In this case, the values -1 and 0 are equivalent, no year is added. 
Number of calculated inactive dates (open rule)
Systematically adds the number of years entered when calculating the expected payment or destruction date. In this case, the values -1 and 0 are equivalent, no year is added.

For more details on the configurations, you can refer to the System configuration page.

3.2 Examples

3.2.1 Scenario 1 (Calculation based on closing date)

Disposition date
Closing date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule2-3-C
Metadata specified at the active time periodNone
Expected transfer date2022-07-01
Since the closing date is entered as the value in the Disposition date configuration, the expected transfer date is calculated by adding the active period (2) to the closing date.

3.2.2 Scenario 2 (Calculation based on opening date)

Disposition date
Opening date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule2-3-C
Metadata specified at the active time periodNone
Expected transfer date2021-07-01
Since the opening date is entered as the value in the Disposition date, the expected transfer date is calculated by adding the active period (2) to the opening date.

3.2.3 Scenario 3 (Calculation based on Date metadata)

Disposition date
Opening date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule2-3-C
Metadata specified at the active time periodDate of birth
Date of birth2000-01-01
Expected transfer date2002-07-01
Because the date of birth metadata is specified within the time period associated with the record, it takes precedence over the Disposition date configuration. The expected transfer date is calculated by adding the active period (2) to the date of birth.

3.2.4 Scenario 4 (Calculation based on date range)

Disposition date
Opening date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule2-3-C
Metadata specified at the active time periodSchool year
Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges
Date of school year2015-2016
Expected transfer date2017-07-01
Because the school year metadata is specified within the time period associated with the folder, it takes precedence over the Disposition date configuration. In addition, the Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges configuration is enabled, so the expected transfer date is calculated by adding the active period (2) to the first part of the interval of the school year (2015).

3.2.5 Scenario 5 (Calculation based on date range)

Disposition date
Opening date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule2-3-C
Metadata specified at the active time periodSchool year
Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges
Date of school year 2015-2016
Expected transfer date2018-07-01
Because the school year metadata is specified within the time period associated with the folder, it takes precedence over the Disposition date configuration. In addition, the Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges configuration is enabled, so the expected transfer date is calculated by adding the active period (2) to the first part of the interval of the school year (2016).

3.2.6 Scenario 6 (Transfer calculation based on an open time)

Disposition date
Opening date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule888-3-C
Number of calculated semi active dates (open rule)
Expected transfer dateNull
Since the Number of calculated semi active dates (open rule) is set to -1, the transfer date of the file is not calculated.

3.2.7 Scenario 7 (Transfer calculation based on an open time)

Disposition date
Opening date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule888-3-C
Number of calculated semi active dates (open rule)
Expected transfer date2020-07-01
Since the Number of calculated semi active dates (open rule) is set to 1, the transfer date is done by adding the value of the configuration (1) to the opening date.

3.2.8 Scenario 8 (Deposit/Destruction calculation based on an open time frame)

Disposition date
Opening date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule888-888-D
Number of calculated inactive dates (open rule)
Expected deposit/destruction dateNull
Since the Number of calculated inactive dates (open rule) is set to -1, the date of deposit or destruction of the file is not calculated.

3.2.9 Scenario 9 (Deposit/Destruction Calculation Based on Open Time Duration)

Disposition date
Opening date
Opening date2019-01-01
Closing date2020-01-01
Retention rule888-888-D
Number of calculated inactive dates (open rule)
Expected transfer date2020-01-01
Since the Number of calculated inactive dates (open rule) is set to 1, the payout or destruction date is done by adding the value of configuration (1) to the opening date.

4. Other Configurations Impacting the Calculation of Disposition

DispositionAllow modifying archival status and expected dates for folders
Allows you to manually specify the archival status of a file and the expected dates of a folder. If the configuration is enabled, but manual metadata is not entered, the calculations will be done automatically. If the status or scheduled dates are entered manually, automatic calculations will be disabled.
Complete actual disposition date when creating folder with manual status
Allows you to deduct the date calculation for records that have been imported at a non-active stage, without having an actual calculation date.

Allow users to enter a transfer date even when copy rule does not have a semi-active state
Enter an actual transfer date even if the delay does not contain a semi-active period (0).
Anticipation of decommissioning - Time in days to which records can be decommissioned before the scheduled date
Allows you to highlight folders in advance when creating a downgrade list. This makes it possible, among other things, to create downgrade lists in advance.

For more details on the configurations, you can refer to the System configuration page.

5. Configuration within the Retention Rule

The date of calculation of the articles is generally on the date of closure of the file. However, if the time limit is to be calculated on a different date, it is imperative to check Ignore active period when calculating disposition date . This configuration is available in the retention rule form, in the Retention Rule section of the Details window.

Example: The retention of a semi-active employee file is sometimes calculated based on the age of the employee - 75 years. Thus, the semi-active period of the retention rule will be 75, but the calculation date will be done on a personalized metadata "Date of birth".

6. If there is a Calculation Error

6.1 Within the Closing Date

Check the following configurations: Calculated close date, Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule) Number of calculated close dates (variable rule).

6.2 Within the Date of Transfer of a File (Fixed Period)

  1. Check if the delay is based on a particular metadata.
  2. If the delay does not contain calculation metadata, check the Disposition date configuration.
  3. If the calculation metadata is an interval, validate the value of the Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges.
  4. If the calculation date is based on the closing date, check the following configurations: Calculated close date, Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule).
  5. Validate the following configurations for the year-end calculation: End of year date, Add a year if the calculation of the date is the end of the year, Close Date required before the end of year.

6.3 Within the Date of Deposit/Destruction of a File (Fixed Period)

  1. Check if the delay is based on a particular metadata.
  2. If the delay does not contain calculation metadata, check the Disposition date configuration.
  3. If the calculation metadata is an interval, validate the value of the Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges.
  4. Validate the following configuration: Use actual transfer date to calculate deposit/destruction dates of semi-active folders.
  5. If the calculation date is based on the closing date, check the following configurations: Calculated close date, Number of calculated close dates (fixed rule).
  6. Validate the following configurations for the year-end calculation: End of year date, Add a year if the calculation of the date is the end of the year, Close Date required before the end of year.

6.4 Within the date of transfer of a file (Open deadline)

  1. Check if the delay is based on a particular metadata.
  2. If the delay does not contain calculation metadata, check the Disposition date configuration.
  3. If the calculation metadata is an interval, validate the value of the Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges.
  4. If the calculation date is based on the closing date, check the following configurations: Calculated close date, Number of calculated close dates (variable rule).
  5. Validate the following configuration: Number of calculated semi active dates (open rule).
  6. Validate the following configurations for the year-end calculation: End of year date, Add a year if the calculation of the date is the end of the year, Close Date required before the end of year.

6.5 In the date of submission/destruction of a file (Time open)

  1. Check if the delay is based on a particular metadata.
  2. If the delay does not contain calculation metadata, check the Disposition date configuration.
  3. If the calculation metadata is an interval, validate the value of the Calculated metadata based on first part of time ranges.
  4. If the calculation date is based on the closing date, check the following configurations: Calculated close date, Number of calculated clase dates (variable rule).
  5. Validate the following configuration: Number of calculated inactive dates (open rule).
  6. Validate the following configuration: Use actual transfer date to calculate deposit/destruction dates of semi-active folders.
  7. Validate the following configurations for the year-end calculation: End of year date, Add a year if the calculation of the date is the end of the year, Close Date required before the end of year.

7. Files Do Not Make it to Downgrading Lists

  1. Validate if the file has indeed an expected date of downgrading (transfer, payment, destruction)
  2. Validate configuration Allow modifying archival status and expected dates for folders.
  3. Validate the configuration Anticipation of decommissioning - Time in days to which records can be decommissioned before the scheduled date.

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