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How to search
Doing a good search will save you a lot of time finding your documents. Feel free to explore and test research "recipes" and save them for later. The more you prepare, the easier it is when the time comes to search. The goal of our search is to have a limited number of search results to quickly find the document/folder we want. The fewer results you have, the easier it is to spot the right one! Here are some tips and tricks for a productive and quick search.
Tips and Tricks 1: Simple Search
Always start with a simple search to give you an idea of the number of results. After looking at the "Recherche simple" documentation page, you now know that the simple search is a keyword search. By performing a simple search, with one or two keywords, it allows you to estimate whether you will find your result faster. If the results add up to less than 100 results, it's pretty easy to quickly go through the search results. If the number is higher, you can add a new keyword to decrease the results or move on to the next tips and tricks.
Tips and Tricks 2: Veneers
Veneers can be combined very well with simple search. Facets are used to see if the number of results matches certain metadata. You can then check them to reduce the number of results. They can also be used with advanced search. Ideally, facets are managed as a result of the most used elements in your organization and are general.
Tips and Tricks 3: Combination with Type
Combine your simple search with the advanced search. Simple search searches through all types of records. So just by adding the record type, it will decrease your search results significantly. For example, you can select that you are only searching for folders.
Tips and Tricks 4: Advanced Search
Of course, the advanced search will allow you to be even more precise. As soon as you know several specific pieces of information about the object of your search, I recommend that you use the advanced search. This allows you to specify the value in the metadata available on the record.
- Allows you to specify the metadata in which to find the value;
- Allows you to significantly reduce search results;
- Allows you to specify one element OR another (Boolean operator);
- Allows batch processing (only available on advanced search results or in favorites).
Tips and Tricks 5: Clear Search
If the recipe you are trying does not give the expected results, do not hesitate to empty your search before continuing. This avoids bad combinations or simply forgetting certain additions! Sometimes it's better to start from scratch than to try to change the indication stride.
Tips and Tricks 6: Save Your Search "Recipe"
When you find an interesting combination, save it! Saving a search allows you to save the information about the search criteria. So keyword, metadata, facets... This way, you can use the same search on a recurring basis for your needs. Several types of recordings are possible, see the search page to learn more.