Copied Metadata
  • 09 Apr 2024
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Copied Metadata

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Article Summary

Copied metadata

Adding copied metadata may slightly reduce performance, we recommend only creating this metadata if it is used.

The copied metadata is metadata whose values come from another entity (e.g., the code of a container in a folder). The goal is to pass information from one record to another, such as with the folder and the document, or from the parent folder to the child folder, in order to avoid manually filling in the same information. The copied metadata populates itself automatically by taking its values from a parameterized source.

In the metadata creation tab, the user will have the option to create copied metadata by selecting the reference metadata (e.g., "Container") and the copied metadata (e.g., "License Plate Code"). It is also possible to delete the copied metadata created by the user and change certain attributes such as their title.

Since copied metadata copies the value of another metadata, it is not found in the creation form. This is data that is automatically derived by the system. It will only be available after your record has been created, in your record's metadata card.

1. Add copied metadata

Reindexing is required after enabling the behavior in the metadata edit form.

What types?

It is only possible to copy metadata of the type "String", "Date", "Date and Hour", "Boolean", "Number" and "Reference". It is not possible to copy metadata of type "Content", "Structure", "Text" and " Reference". It is not possible to copy a value that is in a multivalue metadata.

When adding copied metadata, a new configuration form appears. There are two elements to populate, they are the reference metadata and the source metadata. 

  • The reference metadata allows you to choose which type of schema you choose the metadata to copy.
  • The source metadata is the metadata whose value will be copied into the new copied metadata.

1.1 Add metadata copied from system metadata

  1. Go to " Administration ";
  2. Then in " Metadata Schemas »;
  3. Follow the path of the type of schema in which you want to create copied metadata (Folder, document, container, etc.);
  4. On the metadata page of the selected schema, click " Add at the top right of the screen;
  5. In the data entry type, select " Copied »;
  6. Fill in the metadata for your metadata;
  7. "Save". 
  8. Do a reindexation.

1.2 Add metadata copied from custom metadata

Custom metadata
To copy a value from a custom metadata, the metadata must be in the default schema of its type.

1.2.1 Create the source metadata

  1. Add manually the metadata that you want to copy in the default schema of its type. 
  2. If the metadata is only useful for a custom metadata schema, disable it in the default schema.
  3. If necessary, créer le schéma personnalisé where the metadata should appear. For example, here we have created an "Employee" schema. 
  4. Enable the metadata from step 1 in this schema

1.2.2 Create the copied metadata

In order to differentiate between source metadata and copied metadata, a good practice may be to name the source metadata in lowercase (e.g., Start date) and the copied metadata in uppercase (e.g., START DATE). 
  1. In the custom schema, click Metadata and Add.
  2. Enter a code and title.
  3. Input Type: Copied. The form for creating the copied metadata should open. 
  4. In Reference metadata, choose the schema in which the metadata to be copied is located.
  5. Source Metadata, choose the metadata created in step 1.
  6. Enter the other parameters as you do when creating manual metadata.
  7. Save. Re-index. 

1.3 Add metadata copied from a value domain

It is possible to add metadata copied from metadata of a value domain. For example, I've created a "Suppliers" value domain. In this one, I've added a "End of Contract" custom metadata. Each reference in my area of value then contains an "End of contract" metadata. I can now create a reference type metadata called "Suppliers" that links to my list of the value domain. In this value domain, the end of the contract is indicated. To have this information in my file, I can then create a copied metadata that will copy the value linked to my choice of reference from the "Suppliers" value domain. 

  1. Go to " Administration ";
  2. Then in " Metadata Schema »;
  3. Follow the path of the type of schema in which you want to create copied metadata;
  4. In the schema metadata, " Add »;
  5. In the data entry type, select " Copied »;
  6. Fill in the metadata for your metadata. Here you can choose metadata that is related to your value domain;
  7. "Save". Re-index.
It is not possible to copy a value that is in a multivalue metadata.

2. Searching for copied metadata

You can choose to search for the metadata directly or search by the reference metadata. The configuration can be found in the "Search" tab and is named "Show separately copied metadata in advanced search".

2.1 Configuration checked

If the configuration is checked, you will have the "Contains" and "Does not contain" options available in the search criteria signs. A system configuration allows you to enable a mode of display of advanced search criteria using the new " Contains " or " Does not contain " criteria. With this new mode, copied metadata will no longer appear in the metadata selection drop-down menu, but rather in a 2nd drop-down menu when the " Contains " criterion is chosen. It will be possible to make the same criteria as those available on metadata of the same type. You will then need to search for the name of the source metadata. For example, I created a copied metadata "Category Code" whose source metadata is "Classification Plan Topic" and whose reference metadata is "Code". If my configuration is checked, I'm going to have to search for "Classification Plan Topic".

You will then be able to choose the "Contains" sign and then the "Code" metadata.

2.2 Configuration not checked

If the configuration is not checked, you will need to search for the copied metadata that you created. So in my previous example, this would be the "Category Code" metadata.

Copied Metadata String
In order for the copied string metadata to appear in the search criteria, it must be "Searchable" and "Advanced Search". Or these criteria are checked at the metadata level.Add manually the metadata

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