Create a custom metadate schema
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Create a custom metadate schema

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Article summary

Metadata Schema

Metadata schemas are used to create custom forms in Constellio. Several exist and the way of doing things is always the same, regardless of the type of scheme. This page shows you the logical order in which to proceed to create a folder type. Typically, it's worth creating a metadata schema when you want to customize metadata to a schema type. Otherwise it is possible to only create the value domain. 

1. Create the custom schema

  1. Go to "Administration";
  2. Then, click on "Metadata Schemas";
  3. Then click on the consultation icon at the end of the diagram of your choice;
  4. In this page, you will find all the metadata schemas related to these types of schemas. To create a new one, click "Add."
    Code: default
    In the page, you will have a schema type with the code: default. This is the default form that is selected in Constellio if you do not choose a custom schema. It is possible to add metadata to it and modify its display and form like other schemas.
  5. Fill out the form and then "Save".
CodeThe metadata code is a single element that cannot be changed after a schema is created. The prefix "USR" should be retained, as the element tells Constellio that the schema was created by a user.
French/English LabelThe label represents the name of the metadata schema. This element can be modified at any time to adapt to the terminology used internally.

After you save, your schema will end up with the other custom schemas. You will then be able to manage your schema and make changes.

At this stage, your schema is not available in Constellio. For example, if you have created a folder type and are trying to create a new folder and it does not appear in the folder type choices, this is completely normal! The schema must be connected to a value domain to be usable. See the next steps to get to this addition.

2. Manage your metadata schema

Several actions are feasible on your diagram. 

It is possible to: 

  • Create custom metadata and manage existing metadata;
  • Edit the schema;
  • Deactivate the schema;
  • Delete the schema;
  • Configure the form;
  • Configure the display;
  • Configure the lists view,
  • Configure the tables view;
  • Configure the unique key.

2.1 Create metadata

To learn more about creating metadata, see the article "Adding a metadata". This page will show you several examples of metadata types and how they are created. You can learn more about metadata management also via this page. 

2.2 Modify the schema

Allows you to change the label or display conditions in the simple and advanced search.

  1. Go to "Administration";
  2. Then click on "Metadata Schemas";
  3. On the diagram of your choice, click on the consultation icon;
  4. Then click on the menu at the end of the diagram of your choice, and select "Edit schema";
  5. Edit the metadata of your choice and "Save."

2.3 Disable the schema

Allows you to disable/enable a metadata schema. When a schema is disabled, it is impossible to choose it when creating a record. It will also not be displayed in the drop-down menu of the "Type" metadata.

  1. Go to "Pilotage";
  2. Then click on "Metadata Schemas";
  3. On the diagram of your choice, click on the consultation icon;
  4. Then click on the menu at the end of the schema of your choice, and select "Disable Schema";
  5. The schema is now in the "Inactive" tab of the page and it no longer appears in the choices when creating a new record. 

2.4 Delete the schema

Deleting a schema is only possible when your schema is no longer linked to any record. To do this, perform a search to ensure that no records are linked to this scheme and if this is the case, perform batch processing. Visit the article "Batch processing" to see a concrete example of this situation. 

  1. Make sure that your schema is no longer linked to any records with the advanced search. 
  2. Go to "Pilotage";
  3. Then click on "Metadata Schemas";
  4. On the diagram of your choice, click on the consultation icon;
  5. Then click on the menu at the end of the diagram of your choice, and select "Delete schema";
  6. The schema is no longer available.

2.5 Form configuration

The "Form configuration" action is used to determine the order of the metadata chosen in the form for creating the schema type. So, to determine the order or metadata displayed in the form, you must go through this configuration. 

  1. Go to "Administration";
  2. Then click on "Metadata Schemas";
  3. On the diagram of your choice, click on the consultation icon;
  4. Then click on the menu at the end of the diagram of your choice, and select "Form configuration";
  5. In the "Available" metadata box on the left, choose the metadata of your choice to add to the form;
  6. With the middle arrow, move the metadata to the right box;
  7. On this side, you can use the arrows on the right to move the metadata to the place of your choice;
  8. "Save."
  9. Review the form for creating the schema type you modified to verify that the changes have been entered.
Creating metadata
When creating metadata, the new metadata is automatically added to the form. However, you still have to configure the form since it is added in a random order.
Remove Metadata
To remove metadata from the form, you can simply select the metadata of your choice in the "Inputs" tab and move it to the "Available" tab. Thus, the metadata will no longer be part of the form.
System metadata
Some system metadata cannot be removed from the form. 

2.6 Configure View

The "Configure View" action is used to determine the order of metadata chosen in the schema view under the "Metadata Card" tab. So, to determine the order or metadata displayed in the metadata card of the type, you have to go through this configuration.

  1. Go to "Administration";
  2. Then click on "Metadata Schemas";
  3. On the diagram of your choice, click on the consultation icon;
  4. Then click on the menu at the end of the diagram of your choice, and select "Display configuration";
  5. Select the context of use of the configuration. Either the Constellio web interface or the Public Portals (if applicable);
  6. In the "Available" metadata box on the left, choose the metadata of your choice to add in the view;
  7. With the middle arrow, move the metadata to the right box;
  8. On this side, you can use the arrows on the right to move the metadata to the place of your choice;
  9. "Save."
  10. Check the metadata card for the type of schema you changed to verify that the changes were entered. 

Creating metadata
When creating metadata, the new metadata is automatically added to the metadata card. However, you still have to configure the form since it is added in a random order.
Remove Metadata
To remove metadata from the metadata card, you can simply select the metadata of your choice in the "Inputs" tab and move it to the "Available" tab. Thus, the metadata will no longer be part of the metadata sheet.

2.7 List view configurations

Change in nomenclature
This configuration used to be named Search results configurations.

The "List view configurations" action is used to determine the order of the metadata displayed in the list view of the record. So, to determine the order or metadata displayed in the list view, you must go through this configuration.

  1. Go to "Administration";
  2. Then click on "Metadata Schemas";
  3. On the diagram of your choice, click on the consultation icon;
  4. Then click on the menu at the end of the diagram of your choice, and select "List view configurations";
  5. Select the context of use of the configuration. Either the Constellio web interface or the Public Portals (if applicable);
  6. In the "Available" metadata box on the left, choose the metadata of your choice to add in the view;
  7. With the middle arrow, move the metadata to the right box;
  8. On this side, you can use the arrows on the right to move the metadata to the place of your choice;
  9. "Save."
  10. Check the recording to verify that your changes have been entered.

2.8 Table view configuration

The “Configure Table Views” action allows you to determine the order of metadata displayed in the table view of the record. So, to determine the order of the columns displayed in the list view, you must go through this configuration.

Default schema
This action is only found in the action menu of the recording default schema.
  1. Go to Administration;
  2. Then click on Metadata Schemas;
  3. On the diagram of your choice, click on the consultation icon;
  4. Then click on the menu at the end of the diagram of your choice, and select Configure table views;
  5. Select the context of use of the configuration. Either the Constellio web interface or the Public Portals (if applicable).
  6. In the Available metadata box on the left, choose the metadata of your choice to add to the view;
  7. With the middle arrow, move the metadata to the right box;
  8. On this side, you can use the arrows on the right to move the metadata to the location of your choice;
  9. Save.
  10. Review the recording to verify that your changes were captured correctly.

2.9 Configure the unique key

Uniqueness keys are used to target one or more metadata fields in a schema and make them unique. In fact, the selected metadata is interconnected by a system of conditional clauses for a set of selected metadata. For example, if the "Title" and "Volume" metadata are added to the table, it will be impossible to import a set of folders with the same Title or Volume number. On the other hand, if the values in the Title field are not unique, but the values in the "Volume" field are, it will be possible to import the records. 

The mechanics of the feature are simple: select the metadata you want to make unique and save the changes. 

If you do not link your metadata schema to a value domain, it will not be possible to use it in Constellio. To do so, follow the next steps: 

  1. Go to "Administration";
  2. Then click on "Value Domains";
  3. Depending on the type of schema you have created, you will "View" the "Type" of it. For example, in our case, "Type of records";
  4. You will then be in the page of your value domains of "Folder Types." Click on "Add";
  5. Populate the displayed metadata. Then "Save."
    It is possible to create a folder type, without linking it to a schema. As you can see, the "Linked Schema" metadata is not mandatory. This is used when you create a schema type with custom metadata. If you only want with one folder type, without using custom metadata, you simply have to create the folder type directly in the value domains.
    *The example used is on folder types, but the same goes for all schema types. 
  6. Attempt to create a folder and check if the folder type appears. 
  7. You can now use your metadata schema.

4. Create a value domain type

As explained in the previous point, it is possible to create a type in a value domain, without being linked to a schema. A concrete example of this is the types of containers. The container creation form requires you to choose a type of container. However, we don't need to create custom metadata for it. So we just have to create the value domain. 

  1. Go to "Administration";
  2. Then, click on "Value Domains";
  3. Click on "Types of containers";
  4. Click on "Add" to add a type of container.
  5. Fill out the creation form and "Save".
  6. Create a container and verify that the type of container is present.

5. Particularity of document types

When creating a document type, you also have the option to link to a template. This will then allow, when creating a document, to select this template.

  1. Go to "Administration";
  2. Then, click on "Value Domains";
  3. Consult the "Types of documents";
  4. "Add" a type, you then have two choices:
    1. You can select a "template" from your workstation;
    2. Or "Link documents as templates" from a document present in Constellio.
  5. "Save."
  6. It is now possible to create a document and use template.

*The procedure remains the same regardless of the type of schema you create. The same goes for value areas.*

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