Create a public collection (Public Portal)
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Create a public collection (Public Portal)

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Create a public collection (Public Portal)

1. Steps

  1. Save searches for documents from being included in the portal
  2. Administration
  3. Click Manage Public Portals
  4. Click Add
  5. Fill in the metadata on the Definition tab
  6. Customize the portal with the CSS or theme tab
  7. Choose previously saved searches
  8. Publish the public portal

You may not be given permission, if so, you will need to contact your organization's Constellio administrator to create the collection.

2. Add documents to the public portal

Information can be added to the public portal from the Relevant Searches tab. To choose which results will be in the public portal, you must first register searches from Constellio. To do this, the following steps must be carried out: 

Registering a search:

  1. Perform an advanced search in Constellio.
  2. Select the results you want to save and click Save this search.
  3. Give a title to the search and choose the context "Public Portal".
  4. Associate the search with the portal via a selection window.
  5. Options to check "Frozen facets" to restrict the filters on the portal.
  6. Validate 
  7. Confirmation of registration with a link to view the search in the public portal.

In this way, the desired results will be displayed in the public portal. It is important to note that if new items are added in Constellio with the same initial saved search criteria, these results will not add to the search backup.

3. Customization of the public portal

3.1 Overview of the portal

It is possible to change the display of the entire public portal in three places in the management of your portal. 

  1. The Definition tab. This tab allows you to customize the portal's logo, header and footer. 
  2. The CSS tab allows the customization of the graphical display of the portal by cascading style sheets or CSS. This customization will change the graphic appearance of the portal, in terms of colors, fonts and field layout. 
    In order to be able to customize the graphical display of the portal, advanced knowledge of programming languages is required.

    You can refer to the Guide section to customize your public portal

  3.  The Theme tab allows you to define and customize the portal's display themes, text fonts and titles as well as background and hyperlink colors according to your choice.

3.2 The Home Screen

Once the portal as a whole has been modified, it is also possible to customize the home screen. Here are some elements that can be added:

  1.  Greeting: It is possible, from the Definition tab, to modify the message entered when accessing the public portal.
  2. Pin a saved search: After adding a saved search, it is possible to pin it to display it on the portal home, from the Saved Searches tab. The relevant search will be displayed with the title assigned to it.
  3.  Pin a document: From the Pinned Documents tab, it is possible to select certain documents so that they are available directly from the Start screen. 

3.3 Research

3.3.1 Search Filters

At the public portal level, search filters are searching refinement criteria to be used by pressing the "Filter Search" icon, and whose objective is to refine the search results according to the desired criteria.

The configuration of the portal's search filters is done at the Constellio level, in the search configuration (Facet Management). It can also be accessed quickly via the Edit facets  action on the portal lookup page. Facet configuration is done like facet management on Constellio Advanced Search. The only difference is that you have to define the context of use as a public portal

3.3.2 The document's metadata in the search results

When viewing search results, metadata is displayed below documents to help identify them. It is possible to modify this metadata by accessing through metadata management, or simply via the Configure search results action in the public portal consultation page.

Choosing the configure search results action will open a window telling you to select your document schema (default document or specific document schema).

On this page, you will find a list of the metadata displayed. The left column represents active metadata that is not displayed. The right column represents the active metadata, which will be supported by the view mode. Left and right pointing arrows to remove or add metadata in the view mode. The up and down arrows to manage the order in which metadata is displayed in the view mode. Once the configuration of a display mode is complete, the changes must be saved. 

3.4 Posting of Documents

When a document is selected, it is possible to view it, along with the metadata associated with it. It is possible to modify this metadata by accessing through the metadata management, or simply via the Configure the display of documents action in the consultation page of the public portal. Choosing the Configure Document View action displays a window telling you to select your document schema (default document or specific document schema).

On this page, you will find a list of the metadata displayed. The left column represents active metadata that is not displayed. The right column represents the active metadata, which will be supported by the view mode. Left and right pointing arrows to remove or add metadata in the view mode. The up and down arrows to manage the order in which metadata is displayed in the view mode. Once the configuration of a display mode is complete, the changes must be saved.

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