  • 29 Jan 2025
  • 15 Minutes to read
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Article summary

1. Favorites management

Favorites are used to create groups of items that are useful for viewing and sharing folders, documents, or containers with other users. Also, favorites are useful for batch management, to print labels for multiple folders or containers, to produce downgrading lists and many others.

In the favorites are two categories of favorites group. In the " List of favorite groups " window, two tabs allow you to consult these two categories. 

  • The Your Favorites Groups tab are the favorites you created. 
  • The Shared Favorites tab is favorites created by other users and shared with you.

In the Your Favorite Groups tab, two types of favorites are also distinct. The first type of favorites, called My Favorites, groups together the favorites used and displayed individually. This is a favorites section by default. The other type is the configured favorite groups. The user can therefore create groups of favorites and insert folders and documents according to his classification preferences.

You cannot add more than 1000 records to a favorites group.

2. The "My Favorites" group

The " My favorites " group allows you to classify items in a personal space. To add or remove documents, folders, or containers in this group, simply do the same as a normal group of favorites. The " Add to favorites " button opens a window for selecting groups of favorites. The " My Favorites " group appears at the top of the list. Also, folder actions drop-down menus offer quick addition to this group. A button named " Add to My Favorites ", separated by a star symbol, allows you to add and remove directly, without having to open the file consultation sheet.

The great distinction of this feature is that a virtual space is dedicated to these favorites. In addition to being accessible via the Favorites navigation tab, it is possible to work with this group of favorites from the home page of the collection. A button, at the top of the page, then allows quick and easy access to the selected favorites. 

It should also be noted that the " My Favorites " group cannot be deleted. It acts as such as a default favorites group. 

3. Create a favorites group

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorites groups " window, click " Add a favorites group";
  3. In the " Create a favorites list " window, enter a title for the group of favorites to be created and click " Save ".

It is also possible to create a group of favorites in the viewing screen of a document or folder. In the menu on the right, a key labeled " Add to your favorites " allows you to add the document/folder to a group of favorites. A window labeled Choosing a Group of Favorites then allows you to create a new group or select an existing group.

4. View a group of favorites

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the name of the favorites group.

In a group of favorites, it is possible to place documents, folders and containers and different tabs allow you to see these elements. It is possible to consult My favorites from the home tab, in the top menu.

5. Delete a favorites group

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorites groups" window, click on the red " X " to the right of the name of the favorites group to delete.

Note that deleting removes only the group of favorites, not the items contained in the group.

6. Add a record via the favorites group

It is possible to add recordings via the favorites of your choice.

  1. Click on "Favorites" in the navigation menu;
  2. In the "List of favorites groups" window, click on the favorites of your choice;
  3. Click on the "Add" action;
  4. In the table, select the record(s) you want to add to the favorites group, and then "Add";
  5. These will be added to your favorite group.
It is not possible at this time to add containers via the "Add" action.

7. Add your favorite group to the home

It is possible to add the group of favorites of your choice to your Constellio home screen.

  1. At the bottom left, go "Edit Profile" of your user;
  2. Then click on the "Personal Configurations" tab;
  3. At the metadata "Favorites display order on homepage", you can select the groups you want to add to the home in the order you want, and then "Save";
  4. Your favorite groups appear at home.
Favorites by home
It is possible to perform all the usual actions through the "Favorites" tab of the home. 

8. Favorites Actions

Several actions are available in a favorite group, depending on the items in the favorite group (folders, documents, and containers). The actions displayed in the favorite can therefore vary depending on the types of items present.

Generate a reportXXX
Batch processingXXX
Share (the group of favorites)XXX
Empty the favorites groupXXX
Consultation link(s)XXX
Prepare an email
Print labelsXXX
Borrow/Apply for a loanXXX
Add to cartXXX
Create a taskXX
Remove from favoritesXXX
Decommissioning ListX

Creating a SIP ArchiveXX
Download (zip)
Generate a PDF document
Add an Office365 document
Add an Office365 folderX

Add a Constellio document
Add a Constellio folderX

Create a raceXX

8.1 Add an item

  1. Access the consultation sheet of a file or document;
  2. In the right menu, click on " Add to my favorites ", or on " Add to your favorites " to add to a group of favorites.

For the My Favorites group, a star button allows the quick addition of personal elements to each user.

8.2 View an item

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. To view an item in the favorite group, click the name of that item.

Items in the My Favorites group can also be viewed from the menu at the top of the collection's home tab.

8.3 Remove an item

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. To remove an item from the favorite group, click the red X to the right of the item's name.

For the My Favorites group, a star button allows you to quickly remove the item that has been added to the group. To access it, proceed in the same way as adding an element, then locate the button in the right menu of the consultation sheet.

8.4 Generate reports

Excel reports of folders, documents or containers can be generated from a favorite group. However, to be able to use a report via favorites, you must first have created a report in the management of printables.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Since reports work by item type, if you have multiple item types in your favorites group, click on the tab that corresponds to the item (document, folder, or container) for which you want to generate a report;
  4. At the top of the favorite group, select the name of the report to be generated and click on " View ";
  5. In the report window, click the XLS document link to download the document.

It is also possible to use the " Generate a report " option, which opens a window to generate a report.

8.5 Prepare an email

Preparing an email allows documents to be sent to users who do not have access to Constellio.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on the file downloaded by the browser;
  4. Items are automatically added to email attachments.

8.6 Batch processing

Batch processes in a favorites group allow you to make changes to the same metadata or metadata of folders, documents or containers. This also makes it possible to "File in" a virtual space of folders or documents. Batch processing works the same for all types of items.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on " Batch Processing" for the type of item, i.e., documents, folders or containers;
  4. In the " Batch Processing " window, make the desired additions or changes to the metadata of the elements. For documents and folders, it is also possible to add these items in a shared workspace (Filed in);
  5. Before processing the recordings, it is possible to simulate the changes to see what changes will be made during processing;
  6. To do this, click on " Simulate " and then on the Excel file.

If the changes are not suitable, it is still possible to modify the metadata in the " Batch Processing " window, which remains open despite the simulation. Then, when the changes are suitable, click on " Process records ".

8.7 Folder Labels

This option allows you to print the labels of the folders present in the favorite group.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on " Folder Labels ";
  4. In the " Print labels " window, indicate the starting position of the labels, the number of copies and the format of the labels. Then click on " Generate ";
  5. The " Print Labels " window allows you to download the labels in PDF format or print them.

8.8 Container Labels

This option allows you to print the labels of the containers in the favorite group.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on " Container Labels ";
  4. In the " Print labels " window, indicate the starting position of the labels, the number of copies and the format of the labels. Then click on " Generate ";
  5. The " Print Labels " window allows you to download the labels in PDF format or print them.

8.9 Duplicate records/documents

This option duplicates the folder(s) in a group of favorites. Duplicate folders appear directly in the collection tree, not in the favorites.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on " Duplicate ".

8.10 Delete a favorites group

Deleting a group of favorites, by this option, removes the items from the favorite and deletes the favorite. The items are always present in the collection.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on " Delete ".

8.11 Empty the favorites group

This option allows you to remove all items present in a group of favorites, but still keep the favorite.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on " Empty the group of favorites ".

8.12 Share the favorites group

This option allows you to share a favorite group with one or more users.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on " Share ";
  4. In the " User Choice " window, add the user(s) with whom you want to share your favorite. Then click on " Save ".

From now on, users will be able to see your favorite in their " Shared Favorites" tab. Sharing a favorites group does not change users' permissions on the contents of the collection. When you share a favorite with a user, the user sees only the items they have access to.

8.13 Disposition List

This option only allows you to create a downgrade list with folders present in a favorite group.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. Click on " Decommissioning List ";
  4. In the " Create list " window, enter a title for the downgrade list and select the type of downgrade (either Folders to transfer to semi-asset or Folders to upload). Then, click on " Save ";
  5. In the " View a downgrade list " window, you can perform all downgrade actions.

It is possible to view the downgrading list created in a group of favorites in the generated lists of the Downgrading Lists.

It is only possible to create downgrade lists in a favorite if all the folders are part of the same administrative unit. Otherwise, a message will tell you that it is impossible to create the downgrade list.
The files must also all be able to be downgraded in the same way.
None of the files should be borrowed.

8.14 Creating a SIP Archive

A SIP archive is a ".zip" file that allows long-term preservation of digital documents. In the file generated by Constellio, each electronic document is located in a folder tree representing the classification plan and accompanied by an XML file containing the metadata related to the documents/folders.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the favorites group;
  3. In the favorite, click on " Create a SIP archive ";
  4. Complete the metadata and click on " Save ";
  5. The SIP archive is sent in batch processes.
Metadata for creating a SIP archive
Field Name
Delete Constellio filesFacultativeWhen the SIP archive is generated, the documents are permanently deleted from Constellio.
Limit file sizeFacultativeFor a SIP archive larger than 6 GB or containing more than 9000 files, an error message will be displayed.
Title of the archiveFacultativeWhen fields are completed, the values are written to the bag-indo.txt file. This document is used to document and validate the provenance of the SIP archive.
ID of the paying organization or donorFacultative
Identification of the paying or donor organizationFacultative
Identification of the person in chargeFacultative
Phone number of the managerFacultative
Email address of the person in chargeFacultative
Responsible entityFacultative
Class of RecordFacultative
Transfer methodFacultative
Brief descriptionFacultative
Accessibility restrictionsFacultative

8.15 Generate a PDF document

This option allows you to generate a PDF document with the documents of the favorite.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on " Generate a PDF document ";
  4. Specify a name for the document to be generated and decide if you want to include the metadata cards in the PDF document, then click on " Start generation ".

The document is displayed after its generation, you can also download the PDF document. If the document includes metadata reports, a metadata report is present for each document in the generated PDF.

8.16 Move

This option moves the recording.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on "Move";
  4. You can choose the location or move your recording and then "Save".

8.17 Copy

This option allows you to copy your recording to another location.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on "Copy";
  4. You can choose the location or copy the recording and then "Save".
  5. Your recording is copied to the chosen location.

8.18 Consultation link(s)

This option allows you to get the URL link of the record in Constellio. The link automatically copies to your clipboard.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on "Consultation link(s)";
  4. The link is copied to your clipboard.

8.19 Borrowing/Applying for a Loan

This option allows you to apply for a loan, a loan and a return.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on "Borrow";
  4. A loan request is sent to the manager of your organization.

8.20 Add to cart

This option allows you to add the registration to the shopping cart for a limited time.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on "Add to cart";
  4. The registration is added to the cart.

8.21 Delete the record

This option allows you to send the recording to the Trash.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on "Delete";
  4. Your recording is in the Trash.

8.22 Download (zip)

This option allows you to download in zip.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on "Download (zip)".

8.23 Add an Office365 record

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click "Add" and then choose the record you want in Office 365;
  4. "Add".
Office 365 integration
For Office 365 integration, the iO 365 Space plugin must be installed on the server

8.24 Create a shortcut

This option allows you to create a shortcut to another folder. Thus, you will find this record in the selected one. The record indicates an arrow in a square to represent that the square is a shortcut. It is possible to create several shortcuts for the same record.

  1. Click on " Favorites " in the navigation menu;
  2. In the " List of favorite groups " window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the favorites group name;
  3. In the favorite, click on "Create Shortcut";
  4. Choose the folder where you want to make the shortcut and then "Save".

9. Configurations

You will find in this section all the system configurations impacting the favorites. To learn more about configurations, see "System configuration". Some configurations are also available in the personal configurations of the user's profile, see the article "User profile management" to see them.

Other tab
ConfigurationDescriptionPossible valuesImpacts
Requires a reason before deleting folders or favoritesThis configuration allows you to require a reason to be entered before deleting a folder or favorites.ActivatedEntering a reason will be mandatory before deleting a folder or favorite.
DisabledEntering a reason will not be requested before deleting a folder or favorites.

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