Folder actions
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Folder actions

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Folders Actions

The drop-down menu present in Constellio, in addition to the context menu of the window of the folder consulted, offers several options related to the folder. The options visible to a user vary according to their profile (permission and roles), as well as the features installed in the environment. It is possible to order the actions according to the order you prefer, to do so, consult the article "Action Management."

1. Edit this folder

This option to edit the metadata for a folder or subfolder. From this option, it is also possible to file a file in a thematic portal. 

2. Add a subfolder

This option allows you to add a subfolder. This option is also available in the collection action menu, when you are in the parent folder, click "Add Subfolder." 

3. Add a document

This option allows you to add a document to the folder. You can also drag a document directly into a folder or subfolder.

4. Move to a folder

This option moves a folder inside another folder. The folder that was moved then becomes a subfolder. This inherits the administrative unit, the classification plan topic, and the retention rule for its new parent folder.

5. Duplicate

This option duplicates a folder by retaining the metadata. You have the choice between "Duplicate folder" and "Duplicate folder and hierarchy."

"Duplicate Card" will only duplicate the metadata of the selected folder. "Duplicate folders and hierarchy" will duplicate the metadata of the selected folder, as well as its subfolders. The duplicate folder will be empty, without any documents. The usefulness of this option is to be able to recreate folders of a repetitive nature, while keeping the structure of the metadata and thus avoid restarting the creation process for each one. 

In the tree view, the term " copy" in parentheses is added to the folder title. 

This option gets the URL link of the folder in Constellio. The link automatically copies to your clipboard.

The consultation link is to be used between colleagues who have access to the file. If the colleague you share this link with doesn't have access to the folder, the page will take them back to home. Then prioritize the action: Share. 

7. Share/Remove Shares

This option allows you to give a specific authorization on a file to one or more users or groups who normally do not have access to this folder.

Unlike the "Permissions" option , this one does not allow you to delete shared folders.

Field NameOptionDescription
Authorized User(s)FacultativeSelect one or more users
Authorized group(s)FacultativeSelect one or more groups
AccessObligatorySelect the desired access(s) (read/write/delete)
Start dateFacultativeEnter an access start date
End dateFacultativeEnter an access end date
A button is added when the document is shared.
Remove shares : This button allows you to remove a share you have made.
  • If the "End Date" field has no deadline, the permission will be permanent. 
  • The accesses a user can share vary depending on their own access to the folder. If you only have read access, you cannot share the folder as a write or delete folder.
The user can manage his shares via the "Shares" tab in the Constellio home. In addition, a "Manage share" option is also available in the system control. For more information, see the "Loan Management" section of the guide. 

8. Add/Remove from cart

This option adds the folder to the clipboard window. Subsequently, it is possible to remove the folder from the clipboard.

9. Add to your favourites 

This option allows you to add the folder to a new favourite, an existing favourite, or a shared favourite. For a new favourite, enter a title and click "Save."

For an existing or shared favourite, select the name of that favourite. 

10. Borrow/Return

This option allows you to borrow and return a file.

Field NameOptionDescriptionFootage
Date of borrowingObligatoryThe date of the loan should be automatically entered in this field.
Type of loanObligatoryIndicate whether it is a loan or a consultation of the file.
BorrowerObligatorySelect the user who borrows the folder
Expected return dateObligatoryThe expected return date is automatically calculated according to the duration configured for a loan. By default, 7 days.
Return dateFacultativeEnter the actual return date

The folder will be indicated as being borrowed by a user and additional options will be displayed: 

  • Loan application: This option allows you to apply for a loan for the file.
  • Return : This option allows you to return a borrowed folder.
  • Loan renewal : This option allows you to apply for a loan renewal.
  • Return request : This option allows you to make a return request. It is useful for the return of paper or hybrid files, which require physical action. 
  • Return reminder : This option allows Constellio to send an email to the person who borrowed the file to remind them to return it.
  • Alert when available : This option allows Constellio to send the user an email when the folder is available again. 


Applications to borrow, return or renew a file must be approved by a manager in the administrative unit that owns the file. A confirmation of sending a request appears in the managers' tasks.
It is possible to manage all loans via the "Manage loans" option of the pilot. For more information, see the "Loan Management" section of the guide.

11. Print the label

This option allows you to print one or more labels for a folder. It is also possible to print labels for multiple folders at once through an advanced search or the use of a group of favourites. For more information, see the article on Label management

12. Generate a report

This option allows you to download or print a metadata report for the folder in which you are located. During this operation, it is necessary to choose a report template, it must be previously created in the Administration -> Management of printables, see the article on the Slip management for more information. 


13. Create a task

This option allows you to create a task from the folder being viewed. This will end up in a linked folder in the "File" tab of the task.


14. Authorization

The authorization option refers to the "Manage Safety" section of pilotage. It allows you to identify the permission for this folder (inherited or specific permissions), but also to modify these permissions (add permissions or cut inheritance). When inheritance is cut inside a folder, inherited permissions become specific permissions. 

From this option, it is possible to remove all types of permissions and shared folders. 


Field NameOptionDescription
Authorized User(s)FacultativeSelect one or more users
Authorized group(s)FacultativeSelect one or more groups
TypeObligatorySelect permission type (allow/deny)
AccessObligatorySelect the desired access(s) (read/write/delete)
Start dateFacultativeEnter an access date
End dateFacultative
Enter an access end date

*Only users with the role of administrator or document manager can see this option. 

If the "End Date" field has no deadline, the permissions will be permanent. 

15. Delete

This option deletes a folder. If subfolders and documents exist in a folder, the "delete" option will delete all the contents of the folder. 

Deleted folders are sent to the Recycle Bin. It is possible to restore them according to the number of days of retention provided in the configuration of the recycle bin. 

This configuration can be found in: Control -> Configuration -> Others -> " Number of days before deleting items from the recycle bin."

Deleting a folder does not keep track of the folder once it is deleted. This option should not be used for downgrading.

16. Request reactivation

This option allows you to make a request for reactivation of a semi-active or paid file. 

The button appears only when the archival status of the file is semi-active or paid. 



Requests for reactivation must be approved by the person in charge of document management. A confirmation of the sending of a request appears in the tasks of the person in charge of document management.

17. Create a shortcut

This option allows you to create a shortcut to another folder. Thus, you will find this folder in the selected one. The folder indicates an arrow in a square to represent that the square is a shortcut. It is possible to create several shortcuts for the same folder.


Delete a shortcut
If you want to delete the shortcut, you need to go directly to the folder where the shortcut is added, and then click on the "Delete Shortcut" action.


18. Add a comment

This option allows you to add a comment on the folder card. The button is available at the bottom of the "Metadata" tab. 


Only the author of the comment can edit and delete it.

19. Copy the contents of the cell

This option allows you to copy the contents of the cell when hovering over it. This feature is available when you are in table view.

20. Manage notifications

Use this option to determine in which contexts you want to receive notifications about the folder. 

  1. Consult a file;
  2. Click on the "Manage notifications" action;
  3. This window appears. Click on the notifications you want to receive, then "Save";
  4. When the selected actions are taken, you will receive a notification email.
To receive these notifications, your email server must be configured. To do so, consult the article "Email server."
When you check the options named "Child...", this includes all types of records, including subfolders and documents.

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