Importing users
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Importing users

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Article summary

1. User import management

1.1 Generate a token

Generating a token gives temporary access to a person for the use of Constellio. This option does not allow you to manage security, which consists of giving permissions on content, nor roles that are equivalent to permissions granted on Constellio features.

  1. Click on " Administration " in the navigation menu;
  2. Click on  " Manage Users ";
  3. In the " List of users" window, click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the name of the user for whom you wish to generate a token;
  4. Click on " Generate token ";
  5. Indicate the duration of the temporary access (days/hours), then on " Generate a token ".

1.2 Import users

This option allows you to import users, however, this is only available if you have not configured your Network Directory with Constellio. This option does not allow you to assign security to Constellio content or roles to users.

Creating the import file: 

  1. In an XML file, enter the following information;
  2. To add a user, change the information in red between the tags <userCredential username=" " > and </userCredential>.
<userCredential username=" " ><userCredential username="rbenjelloun">Allows you to specify the user name of the person to add.
<firstName> </firstName><firstName>Rida</firstName>The person's first name.
<lastName> </lastName><lastName>Benjelloun</lastName>The person's last name.
<email> </email><email></email>The person's business email.
<item> </item>
Allows the user to be added to groups. To add the user to multiple groups, duplicate the line <item> </item> by entering the group name between each of the tags.
<item> </item>
Allows you to identify access to collections for each user. To add the user to multiple collections, duplicate the line <item> </item> by entering the group name between each of the tags.
<status></status><status>a</status>Allows you to specify the status of the user: a=active, s=suspended. d=disabled.
  1. To add multiple users, we must copy and complete the information several times between <userCredential username=" "> and </userCredential>, one after the other as many times as we have users to add.

1.2.1 Adding the file to Constellio

After the creation of the XML file, it must be uploaded to Constellio to create the users.

  1. Click on " Administration " in the navigation menu;
  2. Click on " Import Users ";
  3. In the window that appears, select the collections to which you want users to have access. This step is equivalent to the ability to register directly in the file the collections accessible to the user. It is therefore optional;
  4. Click on browse to choose the XML file and then click on " Start Import ".

After processing, a message will be displayed indicating that the operation was completed successfully. If errors have been detected, these will also be indicated in a message.

2. Configurations

ConfigurationDescriptionPossible valuesImpacts
Pattern of user titlesAllows you to set the display order of the user name.${firstName}

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.