  • 29 Jan 2025
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Article summary


This functionality aims to enable the management of an organization's archive repositories. It is used as a storage space for files and physical documents placed in containing those that must be transferred to a new space depending on the type of downgrading (transfer to semi-active or instalments). It is possible to manage it by referring to Administration and clicking on Virtual space.

Knowing that archive repositories are structured hierarchically (Ex.: Warehouse->Conservation room-->Epi-->Section->Shelf->Position), it is possible to integrate this structure into the screen home page, provided you configure the locations correctly. The concepts present in “Locations” are also used when creating containers in the “Disposal” section of the navigation menu.

1. Modify the virtual space "Boxes"

There is no need to create the "Boxes" virtual space, since it is generated automatically when a collection is created. On the other hand, to be able to manage the taxonomy of space, we will have to modify its parameters. To do this, we must 

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu
  2. Then click on "Virtual Spaces"
  3. Click on the notebook icon in the right column on the "Boxes" row.
Metadata relating to the management of the virtual space "Locations"
Title (FR)FacultativeAllows you to change the French-language label of the virtual space.
TitleObligatoryAllows you to change the English label of the virtual space.
UsersObligatoryAllows users to view the virtual space on the home screen
GroupsFacultativeAllows user groups to view the virtual space on the Home screen
Visible in the home pageFacultativeAllows the software to display the tab in the virtual space
Object to be classifiedFacultativeAllows you to define what type of record can be added to the virtual space (folder/document).

In the "Boxes" virtual space, the addition of a record of type "Container" is not selectable since this option is implicit, because the structure was developed to manage archive repositories.
For access by user or group of users to be effective, you must first check the Boolean "Visible in Home page."
To create a storage subspace (if required) or location address, simply change the "Parent Location" metadata to the appropriate level: Location ->Suproom ->Sub-storage space -> Location address ->Sub-location address.

2. Consult the virtual space "Boxes"

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Virtual Spaces";
  3. Click on the magnifier icon in the right column on the "Boxes" row

From this screen, it is possible to add the first level of the taxonomy: archive repositories.

3. Creation of an archive repository (1st hierarchical level)

In order to create an archive repository, we will need to follow these steps: 

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Virtual Spaces";
  3. Click on the magnifier icon in the right column on the "Boxes" row;
  4. Click on the "Add" button at the top right corner of the interface.
Metadata about creating an archive repository
TypeAllows you to define a defined location type in Value Domains.
CodeAllows you to set a single metadata at the location
TitleAllows you to enter a label to name the location
DescriptionAllows you to enter a description related to the location
Capacity (cm)Allows you to define the total capacity (in cm) of the archive warehouse (if applicable)
Disposition typeAllows you to define a planned decommissioning type for a location (if applicable)
Parent storage spaceMetadata calculated based on hierarchical structure
Container type(s)Allows you to determine a particular type of container for the location.
When capacities (cm) are used, several other handy metadata can be displayed, mainly, remaining length (cm) and linear length of folders. However, it is advisable to capture capabilities only at the last hierarchical levels rather than capturing value at all levels. 
"Suggested" Option

After creating the archive repository, it will be necessary to repeat the process for all the lower levels (rows, shelves, shelves, positions). When the last hierarchical level is entered, including the capacities, it will be possible to use the "Suggested" feature in the form of a container in order to find a position to a box based on the size of it. 

4. Delete a virtual space

In order to delete a virtual space, you will need to perform the following steps: 

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Virtual Spaces";
  3. Click on the "X" on the line of the virtual space you wish to delete.
To be able to delete a location, it must not have any records linked to it. To successfully delete it, you will need to perform batch processing so that no records are linked to the location.

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