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1. Batch processes
The batch processing page allows you to see the status, the number of records processed and the progress of batch processes, SIP archives and reindexations in progress and carried out. In addition, it is also possible to generate a report for each batch process.
1.1 Batch processing started by you
This tab is accessible by all profiles. Only the treatments performed by you are displayed in this table.
1.2 System Batch Processing
Only administrators can see this tab. All batch processes as well as reindexations made in the system are displayed in this table.
1.3 Reporting
The report button is used to obtain information about a batch process:
- Creator of batch processing
- Date of creation and modification
- Number of days before it is deleted from the table
- Linked batch treatments
It is also possible to generate a report .csv of batch processing via this option, by clicking on the contained file.
1.4 Batch Processing - Actions
To learn more about how to perform batch treatments, go to the article " Batch processing ".