Recurring Reports
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Recurring Reports

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Article summary

Recurring Reports

Recurring reports are used to automatically generate reports on recent changes, based on saved or advanced searches. It is then possible to send them by email or save them in a Constellio folder. This feature can be used, for example, to communicate to employees new documents added to the database.

1. Creating a Recurring Report Template

1.1 Define an Excel Report Template

  1. Go to Administration
  2. Click on Manage Printables and then Manage Excel reports.
  3. Create a template. The metadata you define in this template will be the metadata that will be included in the generated report. For more details on this step, see the Metadata reports page

2. Generate a Recurring Report

2.1 Create the Recurring Report

The recurring report can be created in two ways:

2.1.1 From a saved search:

Select a previously saved search.

2.1.2 From an advanced search:

Perform a new advanced search and use the desired criteria.

2.2 Fill in the fields

Metadata for creating a recurring report
Field NameDescriptionImage
TitleThe title is the element that identifies the report.
Report TypeThe report type corresponds to the desired type of report. The field is automatically "Excel Report". 
StatusThe status is used to define whether reporting is enabled or paused.
FrequencyAllows you to establish the frequency of reports. A numeric value must be inserted.
Unit of frequencyAllows you to define the unit of the frequency value. It is possible to choose a frequency per day, week, month and year. 
Saved SearchThe field allows you to choose the title of a previously saved search that will provide your reports. If you generated the report via an unsaved advanced search, the field will be set to "Temporary Advanced Search". 
Report TemplateThe report template refers to the previously created Excel report template.
Start dateThe start date is the date of the first run of the report.
Start timeThe start time is when the report was run for the first time.

The action in the creation form defines what needs to be done after the Excel report is generated. Possible options include:

  • Save the Excel file in Constellio.
  • Email the Excel file.
  • The two options above.
FolderIf the "Save Excel file to Constellio" action is selected, this field allows you to select in which folder the report will be automatically filed.
AddresseeIf the " Email Excel file " action is selected, this field selects the email address to which the email will be automatically sent.

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