iO Scanning
  • 29 Jan 2025
  • 9 Minutes to read
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iO Scanning

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Article summary


Scanning is a fully integrated feature at the Constellio interface. It allows you to scan documents directly from your scanner to your Constellio software. Scanning is done by the piece. Several actions can then be performed on the result of the scanning. 

The module uses the Constellio Agent
To be able to use the web scanning module, uninstall your Constellio Agent and reinstall the latest updated version.
The OCR function is managed by a module embedded in Constellio. The module supports a wide range of models with two of the main scanning protocols (WIA and TWAIN). 

1. Document Scan

By default, documents are filed in PDF. Several metadata are retained from the digitization project. 
This information might take a few moments before it appears in the metadata card.

Digitization Project IDSpecifies the identifier of the scanning project.
User who did the scanningName of the user who performed the scanning in Constellio.
Date of digitizationDate of the digitization carried out in Constellio.
Scanning softwareSoftware used during scanning. Typically "Constellio Agent".
Scanning software versionVersion of the scanning software during scanning. 
Scanner IDSpecifies the identifier of the digitizer.
Number of original pages at the first scanning sessionRepresents the original number of pages at the first scan session.
Number of final pages of the documentRepresents the final number of pages in the document.
Number of pixels wideRepresents the number of pixels wide.
Number of pixels highRepresents the number of pixels at the top.
Pixel density (dpi)Represents the density of pixels. 
User who has done the quality assuranceIndicates the user who provided quality assurance. 
Date of quality assuranceIndicates the date of quality assurance.

1.1 Scan directly to a folder

To scan a document directly into a folder, follow these steps: 

  1. Place the document to be scanned in the scanner;
  2. In the Constellio web interface, go to the consultation page of the file in which you wish to deposit the scanned document;
  3. In the drop-down menu, click on " Scan a document ". This will enable the native software of the digitizer. Choose the scanning options allowed by your digitizer;
  4. Start scanning by clicking on " Scan ". Constellio will start scanning your device and save the document in the scanning module;
  5. The scanner window will close and you will be redirected to the module where the scanned document is saved.
When finalizing the project, you won't have to choose a folder from the Add Document form metadata.

1.2 In the scanning module

To scan a document, follow these steps: 

  1. Place the document to be scanned in the scanner;
  2. In the drop-down menu, click on " Scan a document ." This will enable the native software of the digitizer. Choose the scanning options allowed by your digitizer; some browsers enable drag-n-drop only when dataTransfer has data
  3. Start scanning by clicking on " Scan ". Constellio will start scanning your device and save the document in the scanning module;
  4. The scanner window will close and you will be redirected to the module where the scanned document is saved.

2. Actions on the digitization project

When you are inside your scanning project, the scanned pages will appear. 

Navigate between pagesIt is possible to click on the pages to see the result of the scan. You can move from one page to another by simply clicking on it.

To delete a page, click the red X. This action will remove the selected page from the scanning project.
Resuming a page

This action allows you to resume scanning the selected page.
 Order pagesTo order the pages, you can click on the three lines to the left of the page and drag it to the desired place.

3. Actions on the page

Zoom inZoom in on the page to get a closer look at the elements.
Zoom out

Allow you to zoom in on the page to see the elements from further away.
 HandThe hand moves the page.
FlashbackUndo the last action taken on the page.
Back to the plate

Allow you to put back in place the last action taken on the page.

Allows you to reset the actions taken on the page.
Finalize the project

Allow you to finalize the project and turn it into a document. This automatically opens the form for creating a document.
Legal value of the document
Metadata is added to testify to the legal value of the document. The tool extracts the information from the digitizer and shares it with Constellio. These are automatically put on.
Optical character recognition
After saving the document, Constellio will automatically do an optical character recognition, which makes it possible to convert the images into text. It is now possible to search for keywords in the pages of the document.
Add an image

Allows you to add another scan page to the current project.
Delete the project

Allows you to delete the current project.

Cancels the actions taken.

4. Digital Asset Action

These actions make it possible to work the images directly at the Constellio level.


This action is used to crop the scanning project page.

Several options are available: custom, square, 3; 2, 4; 3, 5; 4, 7; 5 and 16;9. After making your choice, simply click on "Apply".

At any time, you can click on the "Cancel" action. 

ReturnAllows you to return your page to landscape or portrait mode. It is also possible to reset these actions.
StraightenAllows you to straighten the scan page.

This service allows you to make annotations by hand. 

You can draw freely or straight. Choose the color of your choice.


This service allows you to make annotations.

It is possible to add shapes such as rectangles, circles and triangles, either line or filled.


This service allows you to make annotations.

It is possible to add icons like arrows, stars, etc.

Text boxThis action adds text to your scan page.
FilterThese options allow you to rework, configure, and lighten/darken the document image.

5. Batch scanning

It is possible in Constellio to perform batch scans in different folders. To do this, you must print a scanning voucher and place it between the pages of the documents, marking the end of the document to be scanned and indicating in which files it will go. The scanning voucher includes a QR code designating the said folder in which the previous document will be found.

5.1 Print the scan voucher

  1. Consult the file of your choice;
  2. Click on the "Generate a report" action;
  3. In the "Generate PDF" tab, click in the "Folder Scan Voucher" choices;
  4. You will be able to print the PDF and keep it for preparation.

5.2 Preparation

Prepare your documents to scan and place at the beginning of the documents the scanning voucher corresponding to the folder in which it will be filed.

5.3 Digitization

  1. Place your documents in the scanner;
  2. In the Constellio web interface, in the drop-down menu, click on the action "Scan a document";
  3. This will enable the native software of the digitizer. Choose the scanning options allowed by your digitizer;
  4. Start scanning by clicking on " Scan ". Constellio will start scanning your device and save the documents in the scanning module;
  5. The scanner window will close and you will be redirected to the module where your scanned documents are saved.
  6. You will be able to view each scanning project to check the status and finalize the projects. The documents will be linked to the desired file thanks to the scanning voucher.


6. Alternate scanning

Under the Act respecting the legal framework for information technology, it is required to document a technology transfer in order to be able to demonstrate that the document resulting from the transfer contains the same information as the source document and that its integrity is ensured. Several criteria are required and the documentation includes:

-A statement of the original format of the document whose information is being transferred;
-A statement of the transfer process used;
-The guarantees it is supposed to offer;
-The documentation accompanying the digitizer as well as the scanning software.

Active and semi-active substitution digitization

According to the CJCTA, it is important to ensure that destruction meets the retention schedule. Therefore, in this sense, changes will have to be made to the retention rule if no mention is made regarding the destruction of the original documents following the scanning of active and semi-active documents. BAnQ's approval is required before any destruction action. 

Inactive surrogate scanning

For this type of document, an authorization must be issued by BAnQ to destroy an original version of a scanned document. The following checklist explains how to obtain this authorization. The main reason for such a digitization project is often the saving of space related to the destruction of paper documents. However, several criteria must be met and good reflection is necessary to determine if the game is worth the candle. For more information, refer to the following document. 

Interesting reading
We advise you this article of Marie-France Mignault, archivist at BAnQ, who deals with alternative digitization and the obligations of public bodies. This makes it possible to dissect the obligations of the archive centers.

We also recommend reading the Act to establish a legal framework for information technology to fully understand the functional equivalence of the same document on different media.

This Collection of BAnQ also allows you to learn more about the digitization of heritage, archival, and museum collections.

BAnQ's Archives Branch has produced a guide that presents in a simple and practical way all the archival and legal requirements that must be taken into consideration when designing and carrying out a digitization project.

7. Dynamic change between old and new scanning

The dynamic change between the old and the new scan allows for a smooth and seamless transition depending on the license of your Constellio account. By using this feature, you get the flexibility to adopt the scan module that best suits your needs without the need for additional installation or configuration.

Depending on your license, you will be able to use either the old OpenSource Scan Module or the new Scan Module with Dynamsoft.

7.1 Overview of Digitization Modules

Legacy Module (OpenSource):

The OpenSource Scanning Module is the traditional tool used for scanning in Constellio. It is included by default in licenses that do not have the "new scanning" module.

New Module (Dynamsoft):

The Dynamsoft Scanning Module is an improved version, offering advanced features for a better user experience and more efficient scanning. It is available for licenses that include the "new scanning" module.

7.2 License Verification

  1. Go into Piloting;
  2. Select Manage Licenses;
  3. Check your license details to identify if the "new scan" module is included.  Constellio will automatically detect which scan module to use based on the active license:
    1. If your license contains the "new scanning" module: Constellio will use the Dynamsoft scanning module.
    2. If your license does not contain the "new scanning" module: Constellio will continue to use the old OpenSource scanning module.

7.3 Using the Modules

7.3.1 Legacy Module (OpenSource):

Access: No special configuration is necessary if this module is activated.

Features: Basic settings and scanning options.

7.3.2 New Module (Dynamsoft):

Access: The Dynamsoft module will be automatically activated if your license allows it.

Features: Advanced options such as high-resolution scanning, improved text recognition, and better integration with document management tools.

7.4 Changes and Upgrades:

Switching between Modules:
 No installation or configuration changes are required to switch from the old module to the new scan or vice versa. Constellio handles this process seamlessly based on your license.

License Upgrade:
 If you want to upgrade to the new digitization and your current license doesn't allow it, you can upgrade your license. Please contact our sales team to discuss available options.

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