Simple search
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Simple search

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Article summary

The search bar is accessible in all Constellio screens. The search engine indexes the contents of certain fields in the database, according to the choices indicated when creating the metadata, as well as part of the content of the documents. This makes it easy to find all the elements that make up a collection by a simple keyword.

 The simple search is accessible at any time at the top of the Constellio screen. Just add a keyword in the search field and launch a search.

  • The search is done by keyword (a word or a set of words) in all folders, texts, and metadata of the documents to which the user has access.
  • The search is case insensitive (uppercase/lowercase), accents in keywords, and empty words (e.g., le, la, des, notre, etc.).
  • The search tool separates certain keywords such as report2016 into "report" and "2016", financial projection into "projection" and "Financial". Also, special characters divide keywords such as Notre-Dame-du-Lac into "Notre", "Dame", "du", "Lac". 
  • By default, the search engine treats the space between two terms as an "OR", it is possible to modify this configuration so that the space is considered an "AND". To do this, see: Control -> Configuration -> Search -> "Consider the empty spaces of the simple search as "ETs".
  • Simple search results provide access to folders, documents, containers, and tasks.
  • Multiple operators can apply to keywords in the simple search.


Simple search operators
*An asterisk placed at the end of a keyword allows the search on all words where one or more letters replace the asterisk. For example, archives* will identify words, archiving, archive, archival, archivist, architect, etc.
?One or more question marks placed in a keyword replace any letter.For example, Jou?e will spot the words joust and joule.
" "English quotation marks allow searching on contiguous keywords where empty words (e.g., the, the, des, our, etc.) between keywords are not taken into consideration. For example "Contractual services" will identify "contractual services", "contractual services", "contract services", etc.
-The dash allows keyword exclusion during the search. For example, customer card will locate all documents containing the word " card ", but not the word " customer ".

2. Filter

The search results, sorted by relevance, can be refined by checking one or more of the items presented in the sliding menu on the right.

Sort by: 

This option allows you to sort the search results by relevance: Label, Creation Date, ID, Modified Date, or Title, either in ascending or descending order. 

The facets : 

This option allows, as soon as an item is checked, to recompose the search results window according to the new criteria. They are actually metadata that is used to describe an element. It is through the selection of one or more of them that a refinement of the results is carried out. 


Filter Management
It is possible to add, modify or remove facets from the table. For more explanations, refer to the Facets page.
When selecting a sorting criterion, it immediately sorts the search results. However, a configuration provides the ability to modify this behavior to batch apply multiple sorting criteria to search results in a single step. You can enable this configuration via: Control -> Configuration -> Search -> Check -> Multifaceted Application -> Save.

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