Tasks overview
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Tasks overview

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Article summary

Tasks on Constellio

Tasks are activities to be performed. They allow you to track and assign these activities to yourself or other users. Tasks are also used for request management in Constellio.

1. Add a task

There are three ways to add a task.

1.1 The drop-down menu of the collection

  1. In the upper right corner of the screen, open the menu, then click on "Add a task";
  2. In the creation form, fill in the mandatory metadata fields;
  3. Click on "Save".

1.2 Add a task in the tasks page

  1. Press the "Tasks" button in the left-hand navigation menu;
  2. Click on the "Add a task" button;
  3. In the creation form, fill in the mandatory metadata fields;
  4. Click on " Save ".

1.3 Add via a record

  1. Go to a folder, document or container;
  2. In the actions on the recording, click on “Add a task”;
  3. In the creation form, fill in the mandatory metadata fields;
  4. Click on “Save”.

2. The Task Creation Form

2.1 The definition tab

This tab allows you to indicate the default definition of your task model.

This is the default metadata of Constellio. They are automatically generated when a collection is created. It is however possible to configure the activated metadata of the record. To do so, please consult the article on metadata management

Metadata of the task definition
Field Name
TitleObligatoryThe title is the element that identifies the task.
TypeOptionalThe type corresponds to a type of task that must be previously created in the value area named "Task type".
Assigned byObligatory"Assigned by" determines which user the task comes from. The field is automatically filled with your name.
Progression (%)OptionalThe progress (%) corresponds to the progress of the task in percentages.
StatusObligatoryThe status identifies the state of the task. The field is automatically filled with the value "Pending".
Expiry dateOptionalThe due date indicates a fixed deadline for completing the task.
DescriptionOptionalAllows you to add a description to the task.
Due date for the assignmentOptionalAllows you to add a time limit in days to complete the task.

2.2 The reminders tab

This tab allows you to set up reminders that will be sent , by email to users or groups of users assigned to the task. Reminders are not mandatory. However, it is possible to add multiple reminders, either with fixed dates or with gaps. It is also possible to create reminder frequencies and reminder limits.

Metadata in the reminders tab
Field Name
Fixed dateOptionalAllows you to add a reminder with a specific date.
GapOptionalAllows you to add a reminder with a difference of days, to do this, several choices are offered (add a number, before, after, start date, due date).
Recall frequencyOptionalAllows the addition of reminder frequency to the minute(s) / hour(s) / day(s).
Recall limitOptionalAllows you to limit the number of reminders (number of times / deadline).
Person assigned to the escalationOptionalAllows you to assign a person for the escalation of the problem following the limit of the recall.

2.3 The assignment tab

This tab allows you to determine to whom the task will be assigned. It is also possible to assign the task to several users or user groups. Assignments are not mandatory. However, by default, a task is automatically assigned to the task creator. 

Metadata in the assignment tab
Field Name
Assigned toOptionalAllows you to assign the task to a specific user.
Groups to which the task can be assignedOptionalAllows you to assign the task to one or more user groups.
Users to whom the task can be assignedOptionalAllows you to assign the task to several users.
Collaborators of the taskOptionalAllows you to share the task in read or write mode with one or more collaborators.
Collaborating groups of the taskOptionalAllows the task to be shared in read or write mode with one or more groups of collaborators.

2.4 The files tab

This tab allows you to link files, documents, folders or containers to the task. It is not mandatory to link files or records. 

Metadata of the files tab
Field Name
FilesOptionalAllows to link to one or more files that are not classified in Constellio.
Linked documentsOptionalAllows you to link one or more documents filed in Constellio.
Linked filesOptionalAllows you to link to one or more files in Constellio.
Linked containersOptionalAllows to link to one or more containers classified in Constellio.
Access Sharing

When a user creates a task, they have the option to share access to records related to the task. The user can share the access they have or refuse to give access. The permission is revoked following task completion.

When saving the task, a window will appear. The creator of the task then has the choice of sharing in Read, Write or not to give any access. When choosing several recordings, you can directly select access to the desired recording, or check the “Read” or “Write” box to give access to all the recordings.

2.5 The follow tab

This tab allows you to add one or more users who will follow the status of the task. 

You have to choose a user and the steps of the task evolution that he has to follow, then click on "Add". It is possible to add several users with different follow-up steps.

A configuration is available in your user profile to put you in the default follow-ups when adding a task.

Path to access it: Edit profile -> Personal settings -> Default task follow-ups.

3. Display a task

This option allows you to view the metadata, subtasks and audits of a task.

3.1 Metadata tab

This tab allows you to view the metadata associated with the task. Important elements, such as the title and assignments or the question, indicate the nature of the task. These details can be modified by clicking on the "Modify task" button on the right of the screen. Please note, however, that changing certain elements of this form may have an impact on future tasks.

3.2 Subtasks tab

This tab allows you to view the subtasks associated with the task.

3.3 The time entry tab

This tab allows you to view all the time entered for the task (excluding subtasks). The time entries displayed are for all users associated with the task, not just those of the current user.

At the top of the page, there is a clickable button next to “Total time entered” to enter time.  On each time entry (table row), modification and deletion is possible. The modification can be made on the time entered, but also on the date of entry. A user can only edit/delete their own time entries, not those of others.

3.4 Audit tab

This tab allows you to view the audits of the task. All modifications and accesses are presented in this window, with times and dates compiled. No real action is possible in this tab. It is essentially a reference page. For more information about audits, please refer to the article on audit management

Only users with the role of administrator or document manager can see this option.

4. Specific tasks

Specific tasks are tasks that are related to various requests made by the user in Constellio: file and container borrowing request, loan renewal requests and reactivation request.

The specific tasks are sent to the roles responsible for managing these requests. You can manage the roles and their actions via : Control -> Manage Roles.

4.1 Borrowing request

The specific task of borrowing requests is related to container and folder borrowing requests, especially useful for their physical borrowing. This option allows for better control over the borrowing and return of files and containers.

When a user makes a borrowing request (file or container), a task is automatically sent to the manager(s) of the administrative unit that owns the record.

4.1.1 Steps to borrow a file or container : 

  1. Consult the record metadata tab;
  2. In the registration action menu, press "Borrowing Request";
  3. Fill in the field "Loan duration in days". By default, the loan duration is 7 days. It is possible to modify this value via : Control -> Configuration -> Other -> Borrowing time (in days);
  4. Click on "Borrow".

4.1.2 Steps to view the details of the file or container loan request :

  1. View the "Borrowing Request" task in the task table;
  2. In the action menu of the task, press "Complete";
  3. In the window that appears, confirm whether you wish to accept or refuse the loan;
  4. Click on "Complete".


    Once a loan has been accepted, the user can renew the loan. This renewal is followed by a specific task named "Request for loan renewal".

4.2 Loan renewal request

This task is created following a request to renew a file or a container.

Steps to renew the loan of a file or container : 

  1. Consult the record metadata tab;
  2. In the registration action menu, press "Loan Renewal";
  3. Select the date the loan will be extended;
  4. Click on "Save".

Steps to view the details of the file or container loan renewal request 

  1. View the "Request for Loan Renewal" task in the task board;
  2. In the action menu of the task, press "Complete";
  3. In the window that appears, confirm whether you wish to accept or decline the loan renewal;
  4. Click on "Complete".

4.3 Request to return a loan

This task is created following a request to return a file or container. 

Steps to renew the loan of a file or container : 

  1. Consult the record metadata tab;
  2. In the action menu of the recording, press "Return request".

Steps to view the details of the file or container loan renewal request : 

  1. View the "Request for Loan Renewal" task in the task board;
  2. In the action menu of the task, press "Complete";
  3. In the window that appears, confirm whether you wish to accept or decline the loan renewal;
  4. Click on "Complete".

4.4 Reactivation request

This task is created following a request to reactivate a semi-active or paid paper file or a container. In the case of a request on a container, the reactivation is aimed at its contents, i.e. several semi-active or poured files.

Steps to renew the loan of a file or container

  1. Consult the record metadata tab;
  2. In the registration action menu, press "Request reactivation";
  3. Select the reactivation date;
  4. Click on "Save".

Steps to view the details of the file or container loan renewal request

  1. View the "Request for Return" task in the task board;
  2. In the action menu of the task, press "Complete";
  3. In the window that appears, confirm whether you want to accept or decline the return request;
  4. Click on "Complete".

4.5 Delegation of tasks

When the setting in the user profile "User to whom to delegate my assigned tasks" is active, all assigned tasks are delegated to the entered user. 

A warning to delegate tasks is then visible at the top of the task management page with the message, "The tasks assigned to you are delegated to the user <User entered>".

4.5.1 Delegate tasks to a user

Steps to delegate a task to another user :

  1. Activate the delegation configuration "User to delegate the tasks assigned to me" in the user profile by selecting a user;
  2. Tasks assigned to you directly or in "Users to whom the task can be assigned" will be automatically delegated to this user.


When a task is delegated to a user, a comment is added to this effect in the task.

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