The Constellio Agent
  • 29 Jan 2025
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The Constellio Agent

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Article summary

The Constellio Agent

The Agent is a software installed on the user's computer that allows document editing directly in the Constellio vault in real time (with support for offline mode). This tool works equally well on Windows, Macintosh or Linux. It is also multi-format. It works with any digital file format and is cross-browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome or Safari). To be able to use the agent, you must first install the plugin. 

Pour télécharger la dernière version de l'Agent, cliquer ici : 

-Agent Constellio (French)
-Agent Constellio (English)

Constellio Agent for Mac computers : Agent Constellio

1. Features via the icon

A Constellio Agent icon is located at the bottom right of the screen (notification area) and a shortcut is also present on your desktop: 

Shortcut and icon - Constellio Agent
  • The icon in the notification area allows the configuration of the agent and actions on documents.
  • The icon on the desktop allows the import of documents and folders into Constellio.

1.1 Options

The following table describes all the possible options via the Constellio Agent icon.  

Menu optionsDescriptionImage
AboutLets you know the version of the agent you have.
AuthenticateAllows you to authenticate or make a user switch without closing and opening Constellio in the browser.
Constellio URLInformation about the Constellio URL used on the workstation.
Open ConstellioAllows you to open Constellio directly without the need to open the browser and add the URL address.
Send logs in ConstellioThis option allows you to transmit agent activity logs to help produce a diagnosis in the event of a problem.
Import...This option allows you to transmit agent activity logs to help produce a diagnosis in the event of a problem.
Checked out documentsAfter borrowing documents, this option allows you to open the electronic file of a borrowed document, open the document card, return a minor version and return a major version.
Unclassified documentsWhen documents are present in Constellio's office. This option opens the document or files the document.
ExitCloses the Agent.
Working Offline
It is possible to open a borrowed document, edit it and save it offline. The document will be kept on the workstation as long as the Internet connection is not restored. When the connection is resumed, the Agent synchronizes with the server and saves the document to the Constellio server.

1.2 Borrowed documents

This option allows you to see all the borrowed documents and perform several actions: 

  1. Open Document : Open the document in the desktop application;
  2. Open the document card : allow you to open the document card in Constellio;
  3. Return a minor version : allow you to return a minor version of the document in Constellio;
  4. Return a major version: Allow you to return a major version of the document in Constellio.
    Checked out document - Constellio Agent

1.3 Unclassified documents

This option allows you to see the documents currently filed in the Constellio office: 

Uncategorized documents - Constellio Agent

  1. Open Document : Open the document in the desktop application;
  2. File documents : Allow you to file the document in a folder in Constellio.
Working offline
It is possible to open a classified document, edit it and save it offline. The document will be kept on the workstation as long as the Internet connection is not restored. When the connection is resumed, the agent synchronizes with the server and saves the document to the Constellio server.

1.4 Import into Constellio

The Agent allows you to import documents or folders via: 

The "Import into Constellio" window. Folders and documents can be dragged and dropped onto the Constellio desktop shortcut.

  1. Move to - Constellio Agent;
  2. The Agent (notification area icon)in the "Import..." option;

  3. Agent Menu by right-clicking on the folder or document by selecting "Import into Constellio Agent.""Import with Constellio's Agent" - Right-Click on a folder or document

    1.5 Import Window

In the import window that appears: 

  1. Select in " Classify in ": the collection in which you want to classify the document, or choose nothing to classify in the Constellio office;
  2. Search for the classification plan topic to associate with folders or select it in the view;
  3. Select or not the documents or folders to import. It is possible to add folders or documents by dragging and dropping them into the window;
  4. Click on " Start Import ";
  5. Following an import, it is possible to change the " Location in Constellio " to import other folders or documents into another location.

When importing, the items are no longer available on the desktop and are now in the import window: 

  • If an item no longer needs to be imported, you can retrieve the item to your workstation by clicking the checkout symbol to the right of the item name. A recovery folder with the date of the time of recovery will be created and contains the recovered items.
  • If a folder or document is no longer needed, the red " X " can be used, but in this case, the item will be deleted. Import window - Constellio Agent
Retention Policy
To be able to import a folder by the Agent, your classification plan topic must be linked to only one retention rule. It is not possible to choose a rule by importing the Agent.
Folders or documents will be deleted from your computer.

1.6 Import into Constellio's office

It is possible to import documents into the Constellio desktop from the Windows context menu: 

  1. Simply open the context menu of a document or folder on your workstation with the right mouse button and click on "Import to Constellio desktop." When items are imported into Constellio, they are no longer on the workstation;
  2. Documents imported into Constellio's office, in addition to being directly in your office, are also available in the Agent's unclassified documents
    "Import to Consetllio's desktop" - Right-click on a folder or document.

 2. Features via Constellio

Several actions can be performed with the Constellio Agent via the platform directly.

2.1 Open the document

When you open your document, you don't have to edit it. However, if you make a change, the Constellio Agent will detect it and offer to borrow it to save the changes in Constellio.

  1. Consult a document;
  2. Click on "Open";
  3. The Agent asks you to log in (if you have not yet been logged in);
  4. The document opens on your workstation;
  5. Make a change and click "X";
  6. This message will appear;
    • If you click on the "Borrow Document" option, the Constellio Agent will borrow the document and your changes will be saved in the software. 
    • If you click on "Do not borrow the document," you will then need to save your changes on your workstation.
  7. Click on "Check out the document," it is now indicated in Constellio that you are borrowing on the document.

2.2. Borrowing

To make a change to the document, you must borrow it. Thus, you make sure that you are the only person editing on the document.

  1. Consult a document;
  2. Click on "Check out";
  3. The Agent asks you to log in (if you have not yet been logged in);
  4. The document opens on your workstation and it is possible to modify it.

2.3 Return

When your changes are complete, you need to "Flip" the document to return the new version of the document. Otherwise, your working version will not be available to other users.

  1. Consult a borrowed document;
  2. Click on "Check in";
  3. Constellio asks you to choose between a minor version and a major version, then "Save";
    Document versions
    What is the difference between a minor and major version?
    It all depends on the organization. A major version is usually more complete, while a minor version is rather messy.
    The difference is indicated in the name of the version:
    Major: 1.0
    Minor: 0.1
  4. The working version is saved and appears in the "Version History" tab. The loan indication on the document is no longer there.
Return a document without making any changes
If you return a document without making a change, the Agent will not ask you to choose a document version and will not save new versions. The Agent detects whether any real changes have been made.

2.4 Finalize

If you want to change your latest minor version to a major version, the "Finalize" option will allow you to make this change. This forces the last minor version to change to a major version.

  1. Consult a borrowed document that has the latest minor version;
  2. Click in the actions on "Finalize";

  3. The latest version of the document in "Version History" has been upgraded to a major version.

Action "Finalize"
The "Finalize" option is only available when the latest version is a minor version.

2.5 Upload

If you have saved a working version on your computer or a user outside your organization has provided you with a new version, it is possible to "Upload" this version as the latest version in Constellio. This will replace the latest version in the version history and become the new final version.
  1. Consult a document;
  2. Click in the actions on "Upload";
  3. Choose a file, version type and click "Save";
  4. The new version is now registered.

2.6 Actions in version history

Several actions are available in the version history.

CompareAllows you to compare multiple versions by selecting them.
Delete selected versionsAllows you to delete the selected versions.
*It is not possible to delete the latest available version.
Delete all previous versionsAllows you to delete all previous versions.
Allows you to delete the version of the row.
Download (click the file name of a version)Allows you to download an older version of the document by clicking on the file name of the document.
A configuration is used to determine how many document versions can be saved. For more information, see the article "System configurations".
You must have a role to delete document versions to do so. As well as possessed access in deletion. For more information, see the article "Role management."

3. Consult borrowed documents

It is possible through the home page to consult all the documents from which we are currently borrowed for modification. This page displays only borrowings made by ourselves and not other users in the collection.

  1. On the home page, click on the "Checked out Documents" tab;
  2. The tab displays all documents borrowed by the user.

4. Manage borrowing

It is possible for a user with a role with permission to manage borrowings from digital documents. For more information, see the article "Manage borrowings."

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