Value domains
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Value domains

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Article summary

Value Domains

Value domains are sets of values that allow you to define all the possibilities available when entering metadata for an item, such as a folder, a document, a location, a task, and so on. For example, this allows the creation of multiple values for the value domain "Document Types." Possible values could be the following types of documents: emails, minutes, reports, budget, etc. 

By default, there are several value domains (currently 9) that tag large groupings of records in Constellio.
It is with these areas that we ensure a basic organization on which it is possible to elaborate. 

The following is an example of using a value domain. In the virtual space "Locations," it is possible to select a "Type" when creating a storage space. If no type is available, the default type is used; however, it is possible to add types in the value domain named "Location Types." Configuring a type allows you to configure useful metadata for that item.

1. Value Domains Management

1.1 Consult an existing value domain

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Value Domains";
  3. Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the value domain name.

Consulting a value domain allows you to see the list of records (therefore, values) related to that value domain. Explanations for creating, editing, enabling, disabling, or deleting these values are available in "Actions on domain values." 

1.2 Viewing values in a value area

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Value Domain";
  3.  Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the value domain name;
  4.  Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the saved value.

1.3 View an existing valuable lot

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Value Domains";
  3. In the "ValueDomains" window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the value to be consulted;
  4. In the "List of records" window, click on magnifying glass to the right of the name of the value to be consulted.

In the value viewing window for a value domain, two tabs are visible: active and inactive. The values can be enabled or disabled according to your specific needs. Depending on the status of the value, it will appear in either of these two tabs.

1.4 Creating a value domain

It is possible to create new areas of value according to the needs of your environment. After creating a name for your new domain, it is essential to create the different values associated with that value domain.

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Value Domains";
  3.  In the "Valuedomains" window, enter a name for the value domain to be created, and then click "Add." 

2. Value Management

2.1 Creating Value

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Value Domains";
  3. In the "Value Domains" window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the value domain name;
  4. In the "Records lists" window, click "Add";
  5. In the "Add/edit record" window, complete the metadata and click "Save."

The metadata to be entered when creating a value domain can vary whether the domain is a default value domain (created by the system) or a domain created by a user. The value domains created by users have 3 main metadata (title, code and description) while the others have some additional metadata. 

Excel Templates

If you have a large quantity of values to add to Constellio, you can import them using Excel templates. For more information, you can consult the Import using Excel templates page.

2.2 Edit an existing value

  1.  Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2.  Then click on "Value Domains";
  3.  Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the value domain name;
  4.  Click on the notebook to the right of the name of the saved value.

2.3 Change the label of a value domain

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Value Domains";
  3.  Click on the notebook to the right of the name of the value domain for which you wish to modify the label;
  4. Change the title of the value domain and click "Save".


2.4 Change a value

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Value Domains";
  3. In the "Value Domains" window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the value domain name;
  4. In the "List of records" window, click on the notebook to the right of the name of the value to be modified;
  5. In the "Add/Edit Record" window, edit the metadata and click "Save."


Metadata for value creation
Field Name
TitleObligatoryGive a name to the new value for this value domain.
CodeObligatoryThe code of the value.
DescriptionFacultativeAdd a description of the value.
Fields available for system value domains
Linked schemaFacultativeAllows you to associate a metadata schema (previously established) with the different values. This option is only possible with certain value domains.
BossesFacultativeAllows the addition of one or more patterns for an item created in the value domain "Document Types."
AnalogObligatoryAllows you to specify for the domain "Media types" whether the media created is analog or not.
Status typesFacultativeAllows you to specify for the domain "Status of a task" the following statuses: pending, in progress, completed or closed.
Year-end date (MM/DD)FacultativeAllows you to specify for the value domain "Types of years" the year-end date for the created type. 

2.5 Enable/Disable a value

  1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
  2. Then click on "Value Domains";
  3. In the "Value Domains" window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the value domain name;
  4. Enable or disable a value: Click the green arrow to enable or the red arrow to disable the value.

The disabled value will then be displayed in the "Inactive" tab. It will be possible to reactivate it, according to the classification needs.

  1. 2.6 Delete a value

    1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
    2. Then click on "Value Domains";
    3. In the "Value Domains" window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the value domain name;
    4. In the "List of records" window, click on the red "X" to the right of the name of the value to be deleted.

    2.7 Delete all disabled values

    1. Click on "Administration" in the navigation menu;
    2. Then click on "Value Domains";
    3. In the "Value Domains" window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the value domain name;
    4. In the "List of records" window, click on "Inactive" to view all the disabled values;
    5. In the "Inactive" tab of the list of records, click on "Delete disabled records that are not in use";
    6. In the confirmation window, click on "Ok".

    Linked a metadata schema is only possible with 5 of Constellio's default domains, specifically: 

    • Types of containers
    • Document Types
    • Types of folders
    • Types of locations
    • Types of tasks.

    2.8 Export Values 

    It is possible to export values from a value domain in Excel format in order to take inventory, generate statistics or use the values in an Excel import template. This report will be generated from the table view to extract the chosen rows and columns from the search results. To do this; 

    1. Click on “Administration” in the navigation menu;
    2. Then click on “Value domains”;
    3. In the “Value Domains” window, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the name of the value domain;
    4.  Click on “Metadata report”.

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