iO Workflow
  • 29 Nov 2023
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iO Workflow

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Article Summary

Workflow management

The workflow functionality, also known as "Business Process Management", allows you to create workflow templates using BPMN 2.0 standards. In concrete terms, the workflow management functionality is linked to several features already existing in Constellio to enable workflow management: 

  • Tasks
  • Administrative units
  • Security management
  • Email server configuration
  • Etc.

1. Create a workflow

1.1 Create a New Workflow

To create a new schema, you will need to follow these steps: 

  1. In the navigation menu, click on the " Administration " icon;
  2. Click on the " Manage the workflows " icon;
  3. In the context menu, click on the " Add " option.
CodeObligatoryAllows you to assign a code to the workflow.
Model TitleObligatoryAllows you to assign a name to the workflow.
Import a workflow (xml file)FacultativeAllows you to import an XML file in BPMN 2.0 format to create a workflow template created outside of Constellio.
Can be manually startedFacultative

Allows you to select whether the workflow can be started automatically or manually.
Support access a sharingFacultative

Allows you to share or limit access to the various elements associated with workflows.

Subsequently, a window will ask you to select whether the workflow is public or private. This security only aims to determine who can launch this workflow

All users can launch the workflow
PrivateAdministrative UnitAll users with the Start a Workflow permission on this unit can start the workflow
GroupsGroups in this list can launch the workflow
UsersUsers in this list can launch the workflow

When the information has been saved, a BPMN 2.0 visual editor will be displayed on the screen.

A Business Process Model and Notation diagram, also known as BPMN, is a tool for schematizing an internal process. The purpose of such a diagram is to provide a visual representation of a process so that it is easily understandable. 

1.2 Graphic elements

A BPMN diagram is usually drawn from left to right, but you can create a vertical version. A BPMN consists of elements that are divided into four categories: flow objects, connection objects, corridors, and artifacts. Each group has symbols that represent the different actions.

Note that Constellio does not fully support all BPMN 2.0 graphic elements.

1.3 Flow objects

Flow objects are the elements that are connected and form a flow of processes.

1.3.1 Events

Events are used to identify a particular state in the process. These elements are represented by circles. They mark the beginning or end of a workflow.

Create StartEvent / Start a workflowUse this element to start a workflow. Moreover, this element is mandatory and automatically integrated into the schema as soon as the workflow is created.
The beginning of a workflow should always be followed by a parallel task or door. It is impossible to do this with an exclusive or inclusive door.

Create EndEvent / Complete workflowThis element is used to complete a workflow. It is also mandatory. Its outline is in bold; it is thanks to this characteristic that we can differentiate the end from the beginning of an event.
It is possible to assign multiple ends to a workflow, but it will always have only one start. 

1.3.2 Activities

The activities of a BPMN appear as a rectangle with rounded corners.

Create Task / Create a task

Use this element to add a task to the workflow. Tasks represent an action to be performed, for example: create an employee folder. Call Activity

Use this element to add a call to another workflow. The "Call Activity" must contain the code of the current workflow that is deployed correctly.

1.3.3 Connections

It is used to represent the routing condition between the input stream(s) and the output stream(s). This element is diamond-shaped and the symbol inside differs depending on the condition. Branching is not a task and does not perform any action. Connections are used as much to divide a stream into multiple streams as they are to bring multiple streams together into one.

Exclusive GatewayThe exclusive door allows you to add a single choice condition that will define the next task to be done.
Inclusive GatewayThe inclusive door allows you to add a multiple-choice condition that will define the next tasks to be done.
Parallel Gateway / Porte parralèleThe parallel door allows you to generate several tasks in parallel.

Doors actually represent a question with one or more applicable answers that leads to one or more activities.

To apply a question and its answers: 

  • Double click on the diamond to apply a question.
  • Double-click the arrowhead solid line to apply a response.

Only one answer is applicable per line. 

1.4 Connection objects

Connection objects represent the links between objects and elements that flow through a process.

Connection ObjectsDescriptionImages
Sequence / Sequence FlowThe solid arrowhead line indicates the order in which the activities are performed.
AssociationThe dotted line shows the relationships between text and tasks and flow objects.
Text annotation / Text annotationText annotation provides additional information to an activity.
Pools / Swimming poolsThe pools represent the entire organization and contain corridors.
Lane / The corridorsCorridors indicate who is performing a set of defined tasks.

1.5 Import/Export a workflow

1.5.1 Export

To export a workflow, there are two ways to do it: 

  • Export workflow schema: This allows you to export the workflow schema to an XML file.
  • Export workflow: This allows you to export a zip file that contains the workflow schema in XML format as well as the template tasks associated with that workflow.

To carry out the export, it will be necessary to follow the following steps: 

  1. In the navigation menu, click on the "Administration" icon;
  2. Click on the "Manage the workflows" icon;
  3. Click on the magnifying glass of the workflow that will have to be exported;
  4. In the context menu, click on the "Actions" option;
  5. Click on "Export workflow schema" or "Export workflow".

1.5.2 Importation

To import a workflow in XML format, you will need to follow these steps: 

  1. In the navigation menu, click on the "Administration" icon;
  2. Click on the "Manage the  workflows" icon;
  3. In the context menu, click on the "Add" option;
  4. Add the XML file via the [...] or drag and drop.

It is also possible to import a workflow with the template tasks, also by following these steps: 

  1. In the navigation menu, click on the "Administration" icon;
  2. Click on the "Import Records" icon;
  3. Add the zip with the XML files via the [...] or drag and drop.

1.6 The action menu

Following the recording of your workflow diagram, an action menu will be available on the right side of the screen. Several actions are possible: 

Spread outThis option makes the workflow accessible for use.


This option allows you to edit the workflow metadata.

Undo changes

This option returns to the old deployed version of the workflow.

Edit diagramThis option allows you to edit the workflow diagram. If tasks are removed or added, the task table will need to be revised.
Configure security

This option opens the same window as when creating a new workflow. It allows you to determine who can launch this workflow. For options refer to section 1.1 of this page.


This option deletes the workflow.

Deleted workflows are sent to the Trash. It is possible to restore them according to the number of days of retention provided in the configuration of the recycle bin. This configuration can be found in: Control -> Configuration -> Others -> "Number of days before deleting items from the Recycle Bin". 

Export the workflow schemaThis option allows you to export the workflow schema in XML format. This option is convenient for the purpose of importing it back into a new Constellio workflow, for example: to recreate from the same template or import it into another collection or environment.

Export workflowAllows you to export a zip file that contains the workflow schema in XML format and the template tasks associated with that workflow.
Configure trakingAllows you to choose which users can view workflow task details and workflow progress. This progress is accessible from the Workflow tab (See section 3 of this page).

1.7 Model tasks

Once the workflow diagram is saved, you will also find the list of metadata and tasks that have been created in that same workflow. 

Tasks are searchable and editable. They act as templates. Descriptions, assignments, reminders, files, and follow-ups applied to them will therefore be retained each time a workflow is started. 

These are templates created when the workflow is started. The mandatory metadata of these tasks does not have to be filled in immediately. However, these fields will have to be populated when executing a workflow.

Click on a task's side menu to "Display this task" or "Edit this task". 

It is possible to click on a task in the diagram to highlight the task in the table. This makes it easier to distinguish and locate tasks. 

See the task guide for more information: Tasks overview

1.8 Template task metadata

1.8.1 Time Limit

Metadata on the Definition tab
Field Name
Task must be done (in days)FacultativeAllows you to add a time limit in days to complete the task.
This metadata is added to the Definition tab of template tasks in a workflow. It is not present in standard tasks.

1.8.2 Assignement

Metadata in the Assignment tab
Field Name
Assignment priorityFacultativeAllows you to determine an assignment priority order between workflow creators, the person assigned to the last task, and the user with the function in the administrative unit.
Assign to functionFacultative*Allows you to determine the function to which the task should be assigned.
Assignment based on estimated task durationFacultative**Assigns the task to the user who has the least task within the administrative unit (estimated value in hours).

* In order for this option to work, the functions must first be determined in: Control -> Value Domains -> Function. Then, the metadata "Functions" must be previously populated in the form of the administrative unit. To add metadata to the form: Control -> Metadata Schemas -> Schema Type - Administrative Unit -> Default Administrative Unit Schema -> Configure Form -> Add "Functions". 

** In order for this option to work, the metadata "Estimated duration (in hours)" must be enabled and populated in user tasks: Control -> Metadata Schemas -> Schema Type - Task -> Metadata - Default Task Schema -> Enable "Estimated Time (in Hours)".

These three metadata are added to the assignment tab of template tasks in a workflow. They are not present in standard tasks.

2. Start a workflow

When a workflow is deployed, it becomes available for use. There are two ways to start a workflow.

2.1 From tasks

It is possible to start a workflow from the "Tasks" tab in the navigation menu on the left of the screen.

  1. Tap on the " Tasks " tab in the navigation menu on the left of the screen;
  2. Click on " Start a workflow ";
  3. Select a workflow;
  4. It is mandatory to fill in the fields " Workflow Title ";
  5. Save. 

 You can also link one or more documents, folders, and/or containers. The records will be found in all workflow tasks.

It is mandatory to enter the administrative unit to start a workflow if the workflow security configuration has been entered as private (See screenshot below).

2.2 From a recording

It is possible to start a workflow from a document, folder, or container.

  1. View a recording;
  2. In the action menu, press " Start a workflow ";
  3. Select a workflow.
  4. The " Title " field is automatically populated by the title of the record consulted. However, it remains changeable;
  5. Save.

The recording will be found in all workflow tasks. 

It is mandatory to enter the administrative unit to start a workflow if the workflow security configuration has been entered as private.

3. Tabs

The tabs are accessible from the "Tasks" tab in the navigation menu on the left of the screen.
The Workflow tab On the Workflow tab are two other tabs: Workflow in Progress and Workflow Completed.
The Current Workflow tabUse this tab to view running workflows and their status. Via the magnifying glass, it is possible to consult the status of completed and current tasks, modify them and display their description. Tasks currently in progress are displayed in yellow in the workflow diagram.
Workflow tab completedUse this tab to view completed workflows. A completed workflow is a workflow in which all its activities have been completed. The viewing windows are similar to the current workflows. However, the status of all tasks is "Completed". It is possible to consult them and display their description.

3.2 The performance indicator tab

The performance indicator allows you to mark the progress or delay of ongoing tasks visually through graphs.

It is possible to define performance indicators according to an administrative unit and/or a user over a specific period of time.

The performance indicators are divided into three graphs: 

  1. Timeliness: This pie chart shows overdue tasks and those with deadlines in percentage values;
  2. Overdue tasks by workflow, step, and user: This bar chart shows overdue tasks based on workflows, steps, and users;
  3. Time-bound tasks by workflow, step, and user: This bar chart shows tasks that meet deadlines based on workflows, steps, and users.

*Bar charts can be deployed to have more details about tasks and users. Each bar represents a workflow in progress. Just tap on one of them to extend the graph.

4. Tasks

The workflow tasks assigned to you can be found in the " My Tasks " tab of the Tasks. You can differentiate them from standard tasks by saying "Workflow Execution". 

Workflow tasks are assigned in an automated way according to the assignments determined in the templates and the choices you select following the completion of the workflow.

4.1 Assign me the task

It is possible to modify the workflow task to assign the task. To do so, follow these steps: 

  1. Ensure that the workflow is well started;
  2. In the navigation menu, click on "Tasks";
  3. Modify the workflow task;
  4. In the "Assignment" tab, change the user "Assigned to";
  5. "Save".

 See the task guide for more information: Task Management.

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