Constellio - Version 11.1 LTS
  • 30 Nov 2022
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Constellio - Version 11.1 LTS

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Article Summary

Major version11.1
Minor version
CreatorSana Tinguer

Version 11.1 LTS

This version of Constellio is meant to be special and promises stability in the sense that it includes important fixes to several issues, which we will introduce later in this article.
Installing version 11.1 will require a re-indexing of the environment as well as a reconstruction of the cache before the latter is operational.

Bug fixes

InterfaceFixed an issue preventing the actions menu from opening.
InterfaceFixed an issue that caused an internal error when creating a subfolder and then trying to quickly switch back to the parent folder from the Ariadne's thread.
Interface/HomeFixed an issue preventing several actions in the actions menu for the "Document shared by me" tab from working.
Search/FacetsFixed an issue causing the facets panel to be truncated for folders.
Home / Advanced search
Fixed return to home issue when deleting locations from search results.
Home / Advanced searchFixed slowness issue when looking at some locations with more than 1000 sub-concepts.
Home / Advanced searchFixed a return to home issue when opening a document with a title containing certain special characters.
Documents actionsFixed an issue that caused renaming a file to not work after duplicating it.
Documents actionsFixed a display issue when the title is too long.
Documents actions From now on, a message will be displayed to prevent the uploading of a new version for a document that has already been checked out by another user.
Documents actionsFixed the problem of returning to home when we want to print labels for documents for which there was not a label template. Now a warning message will indicate this.
Folders actionsIt is now possible to extend the time limit for sharing folders.
Folders/Documents actionsThe "Download (zip)" action would only be visible if multiple folders were selected and at least one folder had content, but only the non-empty folders/files that will be downloaded.
It is no longer necessary to provide the content of a document with PATCH and POST requests on documents in the REST API.
FavoritesA warning message will be displayed when attempting to empty a group of favorites.
Batch processingFixed an issue that caused batch processing to work for parent folders, but not for children when they are in the same batch processing.
Batch processingCorrected an issue that prevented batch processing for more than 1000 records for a File plan category.
TasksFixed an issue causing the "workflow parameters" metadata to automatically return to the table of the "Tasks" module, after unchecking it when leaving the module.
WorkflowsFixed an issue causing workflow comments to be doubled.
Security/UsersFixed an issue that caused the "Administration" button to appear when a user has access to the Trash.
Security/UsersFixed an issue that prevented the assignment of certain roles (Admin and RGD) when trying to merge users.
Security/UsersFixed an issue where a user without access to the whole collection could not see the containers in the taxonomy of the "Location" tab even when having access to the administrative unit.
Security/GroupsFix by adding the metadataLocally created” to the table of groups that can be checked in order to be able to distinguish synchronized groups from those created locally.
Security/GroupsFixed an issue that prevented deleting a group from a collection through the "remove from collection" action.
TaxonomiesFixed an issue that caused an administrative subunit to not display in the taxonomy when it did not contain a folder even if it contained containers.
AuditsFix so that the "Reason" metadata for deleted folders/documents/tasks, is displayed in the table when it is well filled.
DecommissioningFixed an issue where deleting a folder would not remove the link to that folder from its disposal list, and therefore preventing this latter from being processed.
DecommissioningIt is now possible to display a container with more than 100 folders.
Slip management
The default slips have been removed, only the standard slips are kept. These are customizable by the JasperSoft software.
Label management 
Fixed an issue where the value entered in the “Start position” field was not respected.
Update centerFixed an issue that prevented installing a license in multi-tenant environments.
iO Legal holdFixed a bug in the "Legal hold" module where only a blank page was displayed.

The rest of the release notes will be devoted to fixes related to the iO Channels Content Manager module.

Bug fixes for iO Channels Content Manager module

iO Channel Content Manager
Now it is no longer possible to link a channel to a disabled folder or an administrative unit.
It is no longer possible to link a channel's content manager application to a disabled retention rule.
A channel's content manager only opens one login window instead of multiple ones.
Added a loading animation when there are certain long treatments.
Automatic selection of the collection linked to the content manager of a Teams channel.
Fixed several visual artifacts.
Added a filter on the actions available for a folder or document when viewed through the content manager of a Teams channel.
Synchronization of the choice of language according to the one selected in Microsoft Teams.
Automatic authentication to the Constellio server based on the Teams authentication token.
Management of duplicates when creating a content of "Coedition" type. The content will automatically be renamed.
It is now possible to upload a Constellio document through the desktop Teams app.
Fixed an issue that prevented navigation when a channel's content manager display area is small.
Added an icon to recognize linked content for archival purposes.

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