Example of using the import client
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Example of using the import client

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Article summary

1. Preparation

Download the most recent version of the import client compatible with the version of your Constellio environment from the following page "Import Client" and extract the contents of the downloaded zip file

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

2. Configure the Import Client

Before you can import recordings into Constellio, you need to configure the client to define where the content will be sent. To do so;  

  1. Go into Administration;  
  2. Click on Import Recordings
  3.  Click on Import Client Configuration;
  4.  Complete Export/import configurations fields
  5. If necessary, complete the Advanced configurations
  6.  Generate the import client configuration file
  7. Extract the "importClientProperties" file
  8. Cut the contents of the file 
  9. Open import client configuration file
  10. Paste previously cut content to replace files
  11. The import client is now ready to use.

3. Start the import client

  1. Open the " start-program.bat " file to start the import program;Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated
  2. Enter your Constellio username and password, then click "Enter". This is the same credential you use to log in to the Constellio web interface;Text Description automatically generated

For the "password" field, the characters entered are not displayed on the screen. 

3. Once logged in, a main menu should be displayed to access the two main functions of the program.

4. Generate an import template from a directory

  1. From the main menu, type " 2 " to navigate to the Network Share Export Utility menu;
  2. Enter " 2 " to navigate to the configurations page. The current configurations will be displayed, if they look correct, skip directly to step h;
  3.  Enter " 1 " to change the configurations;
  4. Enter the path to the root of the network share or directory you want to import into Constellio;A picture containing text Description automatically generated
  5. Enter the code of the administrative unit in which the imported files and documents are to be filed;
  6. If you want to use a regular expression to automatically detect folders in your network share that should match topics in Constellio, enter " " to select the " Use a regular expression " option;
  7. If you don't want to automatically detect topics, enter " 2 " to select the " Use a default topic " option, then enter the code for the topic in which all folders/documents in your network share should be filed, then skip directly to step "i";
  8. Enter the regular expression that allows you to identify the " pattern " of the title of your files;Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generatedFor example, for the following folders to be considered topics, the regular expression "^[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3} - .*" would be entered
Topics must already exist in Constellio before importing.

9. Verify that all configurations are correct, then enter " 1 " to select " Generate Import File ";

10. Go to the directory where the file was generated and then open the file with Excel;Validate the information generated in the file. The "folder" tab corresponds to all the folders and subfolders in your directory and the "document" tab corresponds to all the files in your directory.
If necessary,  you can change the values or add new metadata to this template before importing. 
See the Import Template page  for more details.  

5. Import the generated template into Constellio

It can take quite a long time to import content depending on the amount of files you need to import and the speed of your network. Make sure you have a stable internet connection before starting an import.

  1. From the main menu, type " 1 " to navigate to the Import Utility page;Text Description automatically generated
  2. Enter " 2 " to enter the import configurations. If the import has already been set up previously, skip directly to step f;
  3. A menu to define the source file and the temporary file are displayed. Enter " 1 " navigate to the " Define Source File " menu;Text Description automatically generated with medium confidence
The second option allows you to set the place where for editing the Excel file is imported. You can usually skip this option.

4. Verify that the source file matches the template generated in step 4. If different, select " Use another file " and enter the full path of the template to be imported;
Warning:  You must enter the full path of the file, including the file name and its extension.Text Description automatically generated with medium confidence

5. Enter " 3 " to return to the Import Utility menu;

6. Enter " 1 " to select the " Start Content Import " option, then wait for the import to complete. 


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